Principles of Islamic Education Management

Mawan Rinaldi Silalahi*, Miftah Royyani Fahmi, Awaluddin Siregar


Planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating are part of Islamic education management, which is the process of managing Islamic educational resources effectively and efficiently to achieve Islamic education goals. with guiding principles and core success-oriented values. The Panca Jiwa principle is the best foundation in managing Islamic education so that students can move in school. Sincerity, Simplicity, Independence, Ukhuwah Islamiyah, and Freedom are the five principles of the five souls, as the name suggests. The Panca Jiwa fills in as the main rule underlying strong Islamic training standards. Qualitative descriptive methods were used in this study. The findings of this study come from a review of the literature. The findings illustrate the principles of Islamic Education Management.

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JIMPS: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah indexed by


JIMPS: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah

E-ISSN 2614-3658
P-ISSN 2964-7231

Published by History Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with "Perkumpulan Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Se- Indonesia"
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