Asyra Alqadri, Ida Keumala Jeumpa


Abstrak - Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh Nomor 88/Pid.B/2023/Pn.Bna, memutuskan Terdakwa
bersalah melakukan tindak pidana bersama-sama melakukan kekerasan terhadap Korban RK dan AT. Akibat
perbuatannya terdakwa dijerat dengan Pasal 170 Ayat (2) Ke-2 KUHP dengan hukuman penjara 2 (dua) tahun 6
(enam) bulan. Dalam putusan itu, telah dihadirkan alat bukti berupa Visum et Repertum yang memuat tentang
luka korban. Namun, pada kenyataannya terdapat kekurangan penyebutan luka yang diterima oleh Korban serta
Hakim tidak memberikan rasa keadilan kepada korban karena kurang memperhatikan kekurangan isi VeR
sebagai pertimbangannya menjatuhkan putusan. Tujuan penulisan studi kasus ini adalah untuk untuk
menganalisis bahwa isi Visum et Repertum terdapat kekurangan penyebutan luka yang diterima oleh korban
serta Hakim tidak memberikan rasa keadilan berdasarkan kekurangan isi Visum et Repertum sebagai
pertimbangannya menjatuhkan putusan. Jenis penelitian yang dipergunakan yaitu penelitian hukum normatif
dengan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa isi visum terdapat kekurangan dalam penulisan
luka dan derajat luka, sehingga tidak tergambarkan dengan jelas keadaan yang dialami korban dan dalam
pertimbangannya Hakim kurang memperhatikan dalam memutuskan suatu perkara berdasarkan hasil visum
yang tidak rinci. Isi Visum sangat perlu diperhatikan karena terdakwa melakukan pemukulan yang sangat fatal
yaitu dibelakang kepala dan hal tersebut bisa membahayakan bagi korban, sehingga hukuman yang dijatuhkan
kepada terdakwa lebih memberatkan dan memberikan rasa keadilan bagi korban.
Kata Kunci : Kekerasan, Tindak Pidana.
Abstract  - The decision of the District Court of Banda Aceh Number 88/Pid.B/2023/Pn.Bna, found the
defendant guilty of committing the crime of jointly committing violence against the victims RK and AT. As a
result of his actions the defendant was charged with Article 170 Paragraph (2) 2nd of the Criminal Code with a
prison sentence of 2 (two) years 6 (six) months. In the decision, evidence was presented in the form of a Visum
et Repertum which contained the victim's injuries. However, in reality there was a lack of mention of the injuries
received by the victim and the judge did not provide a sense of justice to the victim because he did not pay
attention to the shortcomings of the contents of the VeR as his consideration in handing down the verdict. The
purpose of writing this case study is to analyze that the content of the Visum et Repertum is lacking in
mentioning the injuries received by the victim and the Judge does not provide a sense of justice based on the
lack of content of the Visum et Repertum as his consideration in making a decision. The type of research used is
normative legal research with qualitative analysis. The results showed that the content of the post mortem had
deficiencies in the writing of the injuries and the degree of injury, so that it did not clearly describe the situation
experienced by the victim and in its consideration the judge paid less attention in deciding a case based on the
results of the post mortem which were not detailed. The content of the post mortem is very important because
the defendant committed a very fatal beating, namely behind the head and this can be dangerous for the victim,
so that the sentence imposed on the defendant is more burdensome and provides a sense of justice for the victim.
Keywords : Violence, Crime.


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