The Use of the Picture and Picture Learning Model in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Theme 1 Sub-theme 1 in Class II SD Negeri 1 Jeumpet Aceh Besar

Suhaimi Karina, Sulaiman Sulaiman, Mislinawati Mislinawati


The use of the Picture and Picture learning model can make students actively participate in learning because it uses pictures especially for low grade students. The formulation of the problem is how are the activities of students and teachers during the use of the Picture and Picture learning model and whether using the picture and picture learning model can improve student learning outcomes in class II SD Negeri 1 Jeumpet. The purpose of this study was to find out the activities of students and teachers during the use of the Picture and Picture learning model and to find out the increase in student learning outcomes by using the Picture and Picture learning model in class II SD Negeri 1 Jeumpet. The research is classroom action research (PTK) which is carried out in three cycles. The research was conducted at SD Negeri 1 Jeumpet, Aceh Besar district. The subject is students of class II SD Negeri 1 Jeumpet. Data collection techniques by taking observation sheets of student and teacher activities as well as test sheets. Data analysis techniques by taking the percentage formula and the average. The results of data analysis prove an increase. It is known by (1) the average value of student activity in cycle I was 3.33 in the enough category, cycle II increased by 4.33 in the good category, cycle III increased by 4.83 very good criteria. (2) The average value of teacher activity in cycle I was 3.4 categories sufficient, cycle II increased 4.33 categories good, cycle III greatly increased to 5 categories very good. (3) Student learning outcomes as a percentage of classical completeness in cycle I 42.10% cycle II becomes 73.68% and cycle III becomes 89.47%. It was concluded that the use of the Picture and Picture learning model can improve the learning activities of students and teachers as well as the learning outcomes of students in class II SD Negeri 1 Jeumpet Aceh Besar.

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