Aqsamia Galidha, Sanusi Sanusi, Muhammad Yunus


This research discusses: Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in the
Independent Curriculum at SMA Negeri 1 Tanah Luas. This research is motivated by the researcher's observation that currently Indonesian students, especially in Aceh, have very little knowledge about the application of Pancasila values, attitudes of love for the country and state
defense and the lack of understanding of students about the values contained in Pancasila so that they commit deviant acts such as violating school regulations, daring to teachers and others. The deviation is due to students violating school regulations made and feeling indifferent to these regulations. This is because students lack understanding about the values of Pancasila. The objectives of this study are: (1) To describe and analyze the Implementation of the Pancasila
Student Profile Program (P3) in the Merdeka Curriculum at SMA Negeri 1 Tanah Luas (2) To find out the supporting factors and inhibiting factors faced in the Implementation of P3 in the Merdeka Curriculum. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques in qualitative research consisting of data reduction, data presentation and drawing
conclusions. The results showed that (1) The implementation process is carried out based on the six elements in the independent curriculum and relates to each subject, as for the implementation of P3 it is inseparable from the implementation of P5. SMA Negeri 1 Tanah Luas has completed three themes, namely local wisdom, build body and soul and sustainable lifestyle. (2) Based on the results of the interview, the supporting factor in implementing the Pancasila student profile is due to the demands of the Indonesian Ministry of Education. As for the
obstacles faced by every teacher who teaches, because the independent curriculum is a new curriculum. Of course, some teachers still don't really understand and understand the implementation process. To overcome these problems, namely by attending trainings to better understand the application of the Pancasila Student Profile.

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Sumber: Implementasi-Kurikulum-Merdeka-UAD-17-JUNI-2022-Ngadinem


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