The purposes of study were to determine the relationship between weight length and hand feeding habits of longtailThunnus (Thunnus tonggol). This research was conducted in the water at Southwest Aceh from August 2018 to November 2018 which was located at the PPI (Fish Landing Base) in Ujung Serangga, Susoh sub-district. Longtail Thunnus (Thunnus tonggol) is known as pelagic fish that has economic value in Indonesian fisheries. The spread of this species is quite unique compared to other species belonging to the genus Thunnus which are commonly found in the deep see. This study used the Analysis of Linear Allometrick Model (LAM) equation. The longtail (Thunnus tonggol) was taken from the catch of the fishermen. The number of longtail (Thunnus tonggol) observed by the weight-length were 246 fish and the observation sample of fish feeding habit was 27 fish. The total length of the fish ranges from 39.5 cm - 67.5 cm and the weigh t of the fish is around 956 - 4847g. The results analysis of the long-weight relationship of longtail (Thunnus tonggol) using the formula found that the longtail growth pattern was negative Allometric with a value of b 2.792 where the length increase was faster than the body weight gain. The food of longtail (Thunnus tonggol) is composed of anchovies, shrimp, and squid. The main feed of longtail is anchovy with the highest preponderance index value of 95.4%. Fish intestine length of an average of 20-34 (cm). Therefore, it was obtained that the relative intestine length (RLG) of longtail 1: 0.29 of the total length.
Keywords : Length–Weight Relationship, Feeding Habits, Longtail
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang berat dan kebiasaan makan ikan tongkol abu-abu (Thunnus tonggol). Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya pada bulan Agustus 2018 sampai bulan November 2018 yang berlokasi di PPI (Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan) Ujung Serangga, Kecamatan Susoh, Kabupaten setempat. Ikan tongkol abu-abu (Thunnus tonggol) adalah ikanpelagis yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis dalam perikananIndonesia. Penyebaran spesies ini tergolong unikdibandingkan spesies lain yang termasuk genus Thunnusyang umumnya ditemukan di laut dalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analisis persamaan Linear Allometrick Model (LAM). Ikan tongkol abu-abu (Thunnus tonggol) tersebut adalah di peroleh dari hasil tangkapan para nelayan. Jumlah ikan tongkol abu-abu (Thunnus tonggol) yang diamati panjang berat berjumlah 246 ekor ikan dan sampel pengamatan kebiasaan makan ikan adalah berjumlah 27 ekor. Panjang total ikan bekisar 39,5 cm – 67,5 cm dan berat ikan antara 956 - 4847g. Hasil analisa hubungan panjang berat ikan tongkol abu-abu (Thunnus tonggo)dengan menggunakan rumus didapatkan Pola pertumbuhan ikan tongkol Abu-abu bersifat Allometrik negatif dengan nilai b 2,792 dimana pertambahan panjang lebih cepat berbanding pertambahan bobot tubuh. Kebiasaan makan ikan tongkol abu-abu (Thunnus tonggol)adalah terdiri dari ikan teri, udang, dan cumi-cumi. Makanan utama ikan tongkol abu-abu yaitu ikan teri dengan nilai indeks preponderance yang paling tertinggi nilainya sebesar 95,4%. panjang usus ikan rata-rata 20-34 (cm). maka diperoleh panjang usus relative (RLG) ikan tongkol abu-abu 1 : 0,29 dari panjang total nya.
Kata kunci : Hubungan Panjang Berat, Kebiasaan Makan, Tongkol
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