Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English Faced by Junior High School in Aceh, Indonesia

Mia Febriana, Burhansyah Burhansyah, Saiful Marhaban, Syamsul Bahri


Anxiety about speaking English has become a common problem for many students in Indonesia and has profound consequences for English teaching. Therefore, the researcher is interested to investigate the factors that contribute to students' anxiety when speaking English. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method. The subjects of this research were eighth-grade students of SMPN 1 Meulaboh, which consisted of 4 classes, and the respondents in this study were 80 eighth-grade students. This study used a purposive sampling technique. To obtain this data, the researcher distributed questionnaires using a five-point Likert scale to students as respondents. The questionnaire used in this study was adapted from Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986) to measure students' anxiety when speaking English. Then, the data were analyzed by entering the total student responses for each statement into the table. The results of the study showed that most eighth-grade students experienced anxiety when speaking English. It was found that 37% of students experienced test anxiety, 35% of students experienced fear of negative evaluation, and 28% of students experienced communicative apprehension. Thus, the types of anxiety in speaking English that is felt by students based on the findings, from the most common to the least common, are as follows: test anxiety, fear of negative evaluation, and communicative apprehension. 


Anxiety; Speaking; English

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