The Effectiveness of Using Situational Language Teaching in Teaching Speaking Skills for Junior High School

Nabila Luqyana, Nurul Inayah, Burhansyah Burhansyah


This research intends to analyze the effectiveness of using situational language teaching methods in teaching speaking skills to junior high schools. The situational language teaching method has a function as a main variable and speaking skill as a sequent variable. The situational language teaching method is a method underlying behaviorist theory that has a function to help students to improve their speaking skill aspects; fluency, accuracy, clarity, intonation, volume, and content by involving in certain situations and conditions that teachers have made class. SLT also has a big role to help students to increase their confidence in class. The researcher focuses on the difficulty of students in speaking and trying to find effective solutions to improve their speaking. All the sources in this study were conducted from previous research by others and also some works of literature such as books, journals, theses, and proceedings. The data analysis technique includes the process of relevant data identification, recording the data from the newest to the oldest data, data analysis, and combining the data with the research. The results of this research show that students’ speaking skills aspects were mostly improved after they got a treatment by using a situational language teaching method that researchers and teachers applied in class. The results were proven by students' pre-test and post-test scores and also teachers' and students’ interview results. In conclusion, the situational language teaching method is a helpful and effective method to help students to improve their speaking skills and increase their confidence. 


Situational Language Teaching Method; English Speaking Skill

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