An Analysis of Moral Value of and Intrinsic Elements in the Lion King Movie

Agil Mauliansyah, Siti Sarah Fitriani, Muhammad Aulia


This study aims to analyze the moral values messages and intrinsic elements in the movie The Lion King (2019), because the researcher discovers there are moral values messages that are contained in this movie. Intrinsic elements at the other hand, is the essential elements within every literature works, built the literature itself (Nurgiyantoro, 2007). The researcher uses a qualitative approach. This research focuses on giving the researcher’s perception about the given subject in the movie to the readers. This study belongs into the literature which focuses on the writing, character motivations, script, and screenplay to gain the information needed. The source of the data mainly comes from the movie and the dialogue itself, The Lion King. The data consist of moral values and intrinsic elements within the movie. In collecting the data, useful and suitable is selected such as utilizing take note technique as proposed and later finalized by Creswell (2012). In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the content analysis technique by Krippendorff (2018) to analyze moral value and intrinsic elements of The Lion King movie. The finding of this research discovered nine moral values consist of responsibility, respect, tolerance, wisdom, altruism, love and loyalty, courage, help each other, and never give up. While the intrinsic elements consist of theme, plot, character and characterization, setting, and point of view. The finding of this research is in line with other similar studies on literature especially regarding intrinsic elements found in the movie. 


Moral Value; Intrinsic Elements; Animated Movie

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