Analysing the Impacts of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) on EFL Students’ Reading Skill

Anjany Mardasari, Hendra Heriansyah


This study aims to analyze the impacts of Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) on EFL students’ reading skill. This study is library research which uses content analysis design. Here the data is taken from internet access, libraries and relevant data sources such as books, journals, articles and others. There are 10 sources in this study, those sources are: Nukhairiyah (2017), Sulistami (2018), Budiyanto (2019), Utama and Jufri (2019), Hasnani and Ismail (2020), Oktavina (2020), Fitriani and Tarwana (2020), Widyaningrum (2020), Khotimah (2022), and Khusnul (2022). The conclusion of this study is PALS gives positive impacts for EFL Students. Based on the results of several researchers’ study, it shows that PALS is proven that can improve reading skills during teaching and learning process and the improvements of implementing PALS have significant improvement.


Peer Assisted Learning Strategy; EFL Student; Reading Skill

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