Kajian Awal Pabrik Protein Sel Tunggal Berbasis Kulit Kopi
Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. In 2021, coffee production in South Sumatra
reached 201.4 tons, resulting in 100.7 tons of coffee husk waste. Coffee husk waste can be used as an alternative
feed ingredient to produce single-cell protein. The utilization of coffee husks as chicken feed requires further
processing to enhance its quality. One method used is fermentation technology, utilizing the microorganism
Aspergillus niger. The pre-design of a single cell protein production plant with a coffee skin capacity of 20,000
tons/year for 330 days/year and 24 hours/day is estimated to require a total production cost (TPC) of IDR 166
billion, sales proceeds of IDR 300 billion, pay out time (POT) for 4.9 years, break Event Point (BEP) of 35.52%
and internal rate of return (IRR) of 21.36Keywords: coffee husk, single-cell protein, plant pre-design.
Full Text:
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