Penurunan Kadar Ammonium dan Urea pada Limbah Cair Industri Pupuk dengan Menggunakan Metode Elektrokoagulasi

Anwar Thaib, Darmadi Darmadi, Feriyadi Mustafa, Zulfikar Zulfikar


Electrocoagulation is a coagulation process using direct current through an electrochemical phemomenon, using decomposition of the electrolyte to treat wastewater. This study aims to determine the efficiency of waste water by using several variations of electrodes such as Al and Fe, using twaste water of the fertilizer industry as an object. The observed response was a decrease in ammonium, urea levels, and the pH of the waste water. This study was conducted on a laboratory scale in a batch reactor measuring 540x300x170 mm with Al and Fe of electrodes. The
variables of tested are the voltage, contact time, and type of electrode used (Al and Fe). The results showed at optimum condition (voltage 20V, Al electrode, and contact time for 90 minutes), decrease of ammonium and urea level reached 60,12% and 82,34%.


Electrocoagulation; fertilizer industrial wastewater; ammonium; urea

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