Pengaruh Penambahan Gliserol dan Sorbitol Terhadap Sifat Ketahanan Air dan Biodegradablilitas Bioplastik Berbahan Pati Biji Durian

Gusfi Firmansyah, Fahry Purnama, Lia Mairiza, Wahyu Rinaldi


Indonesia as the second largest contributor for plastic waste in the world, due to most plastics are made from petroleum that it takes hundred years to unravel them. Bioplastic is one of the solution for the problem that caused environmental pollution by plastic waste. Bioplastic is type plastic made from plant’s bulb like cassava durian seed, durian seed starch and naturally decomposed. The aim of this research were. The used of durian seed as a starch because it has high starch content. This eco-friendly packaging bioplastic was made with casting method. The problem was the tensile testing of bioplastic was not in range of conventional plastic standard. This research varies gliserol and sorbitol plasticizer concentration 20%, 40% and 60% of starch weight to produce bioplastic similar to conventional plastic. Bioplastic then analyzed with tensile test, biodegradable test, water resistance test and SEM. The best results was obtained at 40% gliserol and sorbitol plasticizer consentration with tensile strength 80.5 MPa, elongation 64%, water resistance 92% and will degraded in 24 days. The overall value is included in the range of SNI values.


Bioplastic; durian seed; casting method; gliserol; sorbitol; SNI

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