Hidrolisis Ampas Tebu (Baggase) Menggunakan HCl Menjadi Cellulosa Powder

Yunita Azizah, Ainul Marziah


Baggase can be made into cellulose powder by acid hydrolysis method. The use of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in this process was to accelerate the termination of the glycosidic bond that binds cellulose. The concentration variations of HCl solution used are 0.5N, 1N, 1.5N, and 2N, with stirring time is 1 and 2 hours. Temperature and stirring speed were kept constant at 80°C and at a speed of 150 rpm. The results obtained from these studies arecellulose yield and cellulose levels. The highestpercent yield was about 22.67% obtained at stirring time of 2 hours and HCl concentration of 0.5N while the highest cellulose concentration was about 44.8 % obtained at HCl concentration of 1N.


Baggase; cellulosa powder; hydrolysis; cellulose percent yield

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