Pengaruh Pemberian Vermikompos Terhadap Perubahan Beberapa Sifat Kimia Ultisol
The Effect of Giving Vermicompost on the Changes of Chemical Characteristic of Ultisol
Abstract. Farming in Ultisol will face a number of problems because Ultisols generally have low pH which causes high Al, Fe and Mn content that can poison the plants. Fertilization with organic fertilizer can overcome the obstacles to increase ultisol productivity, one of them is vermicompost. Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer that obtained through a process involving earthworms in the process of or decomposition of organic matter.The aim of this research is to study about the effect of vermicompost toward improving the chemical characteristic of Ultisol. This research was conducted at Soil Chemistry Laboratory of Agricultural Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, Land Research Laboratory and Agricultural Technology Assessment Institute. The research took place from March to October 2017.This research is done by using Experimental Design method with non factorial Random Design (RAL). The treatment factor was vermicompost dose: V0=0 ton/ha-1, V1=15 ton/ha-1, V2=20 ton/ha-1, V3=25 ton/ha-1 and V4=30 ton/ha-1. Each treatment was repeated 4 times. The parameters observed were pH (H2O and KCl), C-Organic, N total, P available, Al-dd, and C/N. The results showed that. Using vermicompost on Ultisol soil increase P available at 3 and 5 MSI, and significantly improve on C-Organic soil at 3 MSI. Using vermicompost on Ultisol soil did not have significant effect on pH, Al-dd, N total, and C / N.
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