Analsisi Elastisitas Permintaan Konsumen Rumah Tangga Terhadap Telur Ayam Ras di Kota Banda Aceh
Abstract. Chicken Eggs Demand race in Banda Aceh city influenced by the price of eggs, the price of fish, cooking oil prices, income and number of dependents. This study aims to look at the demand for chicken eggs dipengaruhhi by the price of eggs, the price of fish, cooking oil prices, income and number of dependents, and to see the price elasticity, cross elasticity and income elasticity. Withdrawal of samples obtained by the method of proportional stratified random samplingin Banda Aceh where for high income states 25, middle 65 and lower 33 samples. The technique is passed on this peneitian with Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study show the price of eggs, the price of fish, cooking oil prices, income and number of dependents significant effect simultaneously, and the price elasticity of its elastic for medium and low, while high-inelastic, the cross elasticity of substitution for fish and complementary to cooking oil, and for its income elasticity of eggs belonging to inferior goods
Analysis of elasticity of demand for eggs in banda aceh city
Abstract. Demand for Chicken Eggs in the city of banda aceh is influenced by the price of eggs, the price of the egg, the price of cooking oil, the income and the number of dependents. This study aims to see the demand for chicken eggs influenced by the price of eggs, the price of the village egg, the price of cooking oil, the income and the number of dependents and to see the price elasticity, cross elasticity and income elasticity. Sampling was obtained by multi stage cluster random sampling method in Kota Banda Aceh with a sample of 46 family heads. Techniques performed on this study with Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study indicate the price of eggs, the price of eggs, the price of cooking oil, the income and the number of dependents have a significant effect simultaneously, while partially only the price of eggs, the price of cooking oil and the number of dependents that have real effect, and elasticity of its price elastic , cross-substitution elasticity for chicken eggs and complementary for cooking oil, and for his income elasticity of chicken eggs belonging to normal goods.
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