Studi Potensi Buah Kurma (Phoenix dactylifera L), Suhu dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Perubahan karakterisitk Susu Acidophillus
Abstrak. Kualitas susu fermentasi sangat dipengaruhi oleh pertumbuhan mikroba, kadar air, proses pengolahan, suhu dan lama penyimpanan. Variasi dan fluktuasi suhu pada saat penyimpanan dapat mempengaruhi mutu baik secara fisik, kimia dan mikrobiologi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh suhu dan lama penyimpanan yang berbeda pada susu Acidophillus yang ditambah buah kurma. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu faktor A (suhu) terdiri dari A1=5 °C, A2=10 °C. Faktor B (lama penyimpanan) terdiri B1=0 hari, B2=14 hari, B3=28 hari, B4=42 hari dan dianalisis meliputi viabilitas L. acidophillus, nilai pH, kadar asam laktat, sineresis, dan kadar protein. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa lama penyimpanan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0.01) terhadap viabilitas L. acidophillus, nilai pH, kadar asam laktat dan kadar protein, akan tetapi pada sineresis tidak terdapat pengaruh yang nyata. Disimpulkan bahwa lama penyimpanan dapat mengakibatkan pertumbuhan L. acidophillus tidak stabil dan terjadinya perubahan karakteristik fisik susu Acidophillus.
Study of dates Potensil (Phoenix dactylifera L), Temperature and Storage Length on Change of Acidophillus milk Characteristics
Abstract. The quality of fermented milk is strongly influenced by the growth of microbes, moisture content, processing, temperature and storage time. Variations and fluctuations in temperature during storage may affect the quality of both physical, chemical and microbiological. The study aimed to study the effect of temperature and different storage time on Acidophillus milk plus dates.This research uses Completely Randomized Design (RAL) of factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors ie factor A (temperature) consisting of A1 = 5 °C, A2 = 10 °C. Factor B (storage duration) consisted of B1 = 0 days, B2 = 14 days, B3 = 28 days, B4 = 42 days and analyzed including viability of L. acidophillus, pH value, lactic acid level, syneresis, and protein content.The results showed that storage duration had significant effect (P <0.01) on the viability of L. acidophillus, pH value, lactic acid level and protein content, but there was no significant effect on sineresis. It was concluded that long storage may lead to unstable growth of L. acidophillus and the change in physical characteristics of Acidophilus milk.
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