Diversity of epiphytic mosses (Bryophytes) in RPH Alue Geulima Pocut Meurah Intan grand forest park area Aceh Besar

Winda - Mustika, Lola Adress Yanti, Iqbar Iqbar


Moss is an important component in forest areas, moss play a part in the balance and cycle of forest nutrients, functions as a substrate, food source and nesting place for other forest organisms. Epiphytic moss is moss that lives attached to tree trunks. The presence of epiphytic moss in an area can be an indicator of changes in environmental conditions or changes in habitat. The aim of this research is to identify, analyze the Important Value Index (INP) and the Epiphytic Moss Diversity Index in the Alue Geulima Forest Management Resort (RPH), Pocut Meurah Intan Grand Forest Park area Aceh Besar. The method used in this research is purposive sampling. The results of the research found 10 species of epiphytic moss from 9 families in the Alue Geulima RPH area consisting of 6 types of leaf moss and 4 types of liverwort with a total of 645 colonies found. The species with the highest Importance Value Index (INP) was Lejeunea laetevirens (31 .01%) while the species with the lowest INP is Octoblepharum albidum (9.61%). The epiphytic moss diversity index in the Alue Geulima RPH area is in the medium category with a value of 2.23.


Epiphytic moss, diversity, RPH Alue Geulima

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v9i4.33057


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E-ISSN: 2614-6053 2615-2878 Statistic Indexing | Citation | Dimensions

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Fakultas Pertanian,Universitas Syiah Kuala
Jl. Tgk. Hasan Krueng Kalee No. 3, Kopelma Darussalam,
Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia.