Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Pada Berbagai Dosis SP-36

Alfira Kharisma, Jumini Jumini, Ainun Marliah


Abstrak. Upaya peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas tomat dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan varietas unggul dan pemupukan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa varietas tomat dan dosis SP-36 terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tomat serta mengetahui ada tidaknya interaksi varietas tomat deingan dosis SP-36 teirhadap peirtumbuhan dan hasil. Peineilitian ini dilaksanakan di Kompleik Blangkrueing Citra Leistari, jalan Lamkuta II No. 42, Blangkrueing, Aceih Beisar, Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teiknologi Beinih, Fakultas Peirtanian, Univeirsitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceih, beirlangsung dari bulan Oktobeir sampai Deiseimbeir 2023. Peineilitian ini meinggunakan Rancangan Acak Leingkap (RAL) pola faktorial 3 x 4 deingan 3 ulangan. Parameiteir yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman umur 15, 30, dan 45 HST, diameiteir pangkal batang umur 15, 30, dan 45 HST, jumlah buah peirtanaman, bobot buah per tanaman. Hasil peineilitian meinunjukkan bahwa perlakuan varieitas berpeingaruh sangat nyata teirhadap diameiteir pangkal batang umur 15 HST seirta beirpeingaruh nyata teirhadap tinggi tanaman 45 HST dan jumlah buah peir tanaman. Peingaruh tidak nyata teirjadi pada tinggi tanaman umur 15 dan 30 HST, diameiteir pangkal batang umur 30 dan 45 HST, bobot buah per tanaman. Pertumbuhan leibih baik teirdapat pada varieitas Gammara dan hasil tanaman tomat teirdapat pada varieitas Tymoti. Dosis pupuk SP-36 berpeingaruh sangat nyata teirhadap tinggi tanaman umur 15 HST, jumlah buah peir tanaman dan bobot buah peirtanaman seirta beirpeingaruh nyata teirhadap diameiteir pangkal batang umur 15 HST. Peingaruh tidak nyata teirjadi pada tinggi tanaman umur 30 dan 45 HST, diameiteir pangkal batang umur 30 dan 45 HST. Peirtumbuhan dan hasil tanaman leibih baik teirdapat pada tanaman yang dibeiri pupuk SP-36 200 kg ha-1. Ada inteiraksi nyata antara varieitas dan dosis pupuk SP-36 teirhadap diameiteir pangkal batang umur 15 HST. Diameiteir pangkal batang tomat umur 15 HST leibih beisar teirdapat pada kombinasi peirlakuan varieitas Seirvo F1 deingan dosis pupuk SP-36 200 kg ha-1

Growth and yield of several varieties of tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) At various doses of SP- 36.

Abstract. Eifforts to increiasei thei quantity and quality of tomatoeis can bei donei by using supeirior varieitieis and feirtilization. Thei study aimeid to deiteirminei thei eiffeict of seiveiral tomato varieitieis and SP-36 doseis on tomato growth and yieild and to find out wheitheir theirei was an inteiraction beitweiein tomato varieitieis and SP-36 doseis on growth and yieild. This reiseiarch was carrieid out at thei Blangkrueing Citra Leistari Compleix, Jalan Lamkuta II No. 42, Blangkrueing, Aceih Beisar, Seieid Scieincei and Teichnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculturei, Syiah Kuala Univeirsity, Banda Aceih, from Octobeir to Deiceimbeir 2023. This study useid a 3 x 4 factorial patteirn Compleitei Random Deisign (RAL) with 3 reiplicateis. Thei parameiteirs obseirveid weirei plant heiight ageid 15, 30, and 45 DAP, steim basei diameiteir ageid 15, 30, and 45 DAP, thei numbeir of planteid fruits, and thei weiight of thei fruit peir plant. Thei reisults showeid that thei varieity treiatment had a very significant effect on the diameter of the base of the stem at the age of 15 HST and had a significant effect on the height of the plant atnn 45 DAP and the number of fruits per plant. The effect was not evident on the height of plants aged 15 and 30 DAP, the diameter of the base of the stem aged 30 and 45 DAP and the weight of the fruit per plant. Better growth is found in the Gammara variety and tomato crop yield is found in the Tymoti variety. The dose of SP-36 fertilizer has a very real effect on the height of plants aged 15 DAP, the number of fruits per plant and the weight of the fruit of the plant and has a real effect on the diameter of the base of the stem at the age of 15 HST. The effect was not evident on the height of plants aged 30 and 45 DAP, and the diameter of the base of the stem aged 30 and 45 HST. Better plant growth and yield are found in plants fed with SP-36 fertilizer 200 kg ha-1. There was a real interaction between the variety and the dose of SP-36 fertilizer on the diameter of the base of the stem at the age of 15 HST. The diameter of the base of the tomato stem aged 15 HST was larger in the combination of treatment of the Servo F1 variety with a dose of  SP-36 fertilizer 200 kg ha-1.


Superior variety, fertilizer, plant growth, yield

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