Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Biochar Sekam Padi dan Pupuk Kotoran Kambing terhadap Beberapa Sifat Kimia Inceptisol, Pertumbuhan, dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brassica juncea L.)
Effect of Combination of Rice Husk Biochar and Goat Manure on Several Chemical Properties of Inceptisol, Growth, and Yield of Green Mustard Plants
Abstract. Inceptisol is a soil at the initial development stage. Inceptisol soil has a low level of soil fertility with characteristics of low pH and low nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) nutrient content and low to medium base saturation, and the bulk density of Inceptisol is high, namely 1.14 g cm -3. If Inceptisol is used continuously for agricultural land, soil fertility will decrease so that little nutrient content is stored in the soil so that the soil is less loose. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil which can be done by providing organic material. Organic materials that can be used as soil improvement are biochar and manure. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of giving a combination of rice husk biochar and goat manure fertilizer on several chemical properties of Inceptisol and to determine the effect of giving a combination of rice husk biochar and manure fertilizer on the growth and yield of green mustard with 5 treatments and 4 replications to obtain 20 experimental units. Observations included plant height, number of leaves, and plant fresh weight. The observation data is processed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and if there is plants (Brassica juncea L.). This research used a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) method a real influence then it is continued with the Honestly Significant Difference (BNJ) test at the 5% level. The results of this study indicate that the combination treatment of rice husk biochar and goat manure fertilizer did not have a significant effect on soil chemical properties, pH, C-organic, N-total, P-available and CEC of the soil tested as well as the parameters of the number of mustard leaves, but had a significant effect on height and wet weight of mustard greens. This research can be concluded that the application of rice husk biochar and goat manure fertilizer has no significant effect on soil chemical properties, pH, soil organic C, soil N-total, soil available P, and soil CEC, but has a significant effect on height and wet weight. mustard greens, but had no significant effect on the number of mustard leaves. The best treatment for the chemical properties of Inceptisol as well as the growth and yield of green mustard plants is the P2 treatment (biochar 10 tons ha-1 + goat manure 15 tons ha-1).
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