analisis faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi harga jual kedelai di tingkat petani pada sentral produksi di Kecamatan Peudada Kabupaten Bireuen
Analysis Factors Affecting The Selling Price Soybean Level Farmer in Central Production in Kecamatan Peudada Kabupaten Bireuen.
Abstract : The selling price is one factor that would influence the farmers, one of them is income levels in get the farmers, which later will have an influence to motivation and labor productivity from farmers. Marketing outlets is too long, and policy the price of being impartial the farmers resulting in an advantage in get by farmers very few. The purpose of this study is to find of factors affect the selling price of soybean the farm gate in Kecamatan Peudada Kabupaten bireuen. Based on it, the study is done to find out what factors had an influence on the selling price of soybean farm gate. The study is done in Kecamatan Peudada Kabupaten Bireuen, the research areas was selected deliberately (purposive). Scope this research limited to factors production level, the quality of, post-harvest handling of crops and distribution channels marketing. Population in this study as many as 30 people who is taken from the three the village the village Cot Kruet, Pinto Rimba, Ara Bungong. The amount of sample used in this research was 15 % of the total number of research. Model the analysis used is a function linear multiple.The results of the analysis koefisiensi determination ( R2 ) obtained value of 0,827 which means that production level, the quality, post-harvest handling of crops, and channels ditribusi marketing affect the selling price soybean of 82.7 %, while the rest 17.3 % influenced by other factors. The results of the analysis in unison ( uji-f ) that production level, the quality, post-harvest handling of crops, marketing and distribution channels may had have real impact against the selling price soybean the farm gate in Kecamatan Peudada Kabupaten Bireuen. Analysis in partial ( uji-t ) said that factors the quality and post-harvest handling of crops who had have real impact on the selling price soybean the farm gate.
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