Influence Of Shade Density On The Infection Of Leaf Rat (Hemileia Vastatrix) On Arabic Coffee Plants

Marniyati Marniyati, Jauharlina Jauharlina, Tjut Chamzurni


Coffee is one of the plantation crops that has high economic value, as a source of foreign exchange, as well as a source of income for less than one and a half million coffee farmers in Indonesia. Coffee is a prime crop that is a source of income for the community and local government in the Gayo Highlands. It is estimated that the coffee plantation area reaches 101,316 hectares with 48,000 hectares in Central Aceh Regency, 46,316 hectares in Bener Meriah and 7,000 hectares in Gayo Lues. Generally, the types of coffee grown in the Gayo highlands are Arabica and Robusta. One of the main obstacles in coffee plant cultivation is the attack of leaf rust disease caused by the Hemileia vastatrix fungus. This coffee leaf rust disease has developed in Indonesia since 1876, resulting in a decrease in production. The decline in coffee plant production due to leaf rust disease attacks reaches 25 to 35%. The purpose of this study was to determine whether shade density affects leaf rust fungus (H. vastatrix) attack and fruit production on Arabica coffee plants. This study was conducted in four community-owned organic Arabica coffee plantations in Central Aceh Regency with an area of ± 1 ha at an altitude of 1,100 to 1,300 meters above sea level. Some of the criteria observed on coffee plants in this study are coffee plants that have produced fruit with a plant height of 1.5 to 2m and 10-15 years old. On each land, plots were made at perm


Hemileia vastatrix, shade tree, disease symptoms.

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