Risiko Rantai Pasok Beras di Wilayah Pantai Timur Provinsi Aceh
Abstrak. Aktivitas pendistribusian beras di Aceh untuk memenuhi permintaan beras bagi masyarakat terhambat, yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim dan hal ini mengganggu rantai pasok beras Provinsi Aceh. Perubahan iklim menimbulkan adanya ketidakpastian bagi pelaku dalam rantai pasok beras dimulai dari budidaya, panen, penanganan pasca panen, pengolahan dan distribusi beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut dengan mengidentifikasi risiko prioritas pada rantai pasok menggunakan analisis Fuzzy FMEA digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengukur risiko prioritas yang diidentifikasi setiap pelaku rantai pasok di Wilayah Pantai Timur Provinsi Aceh. Penelitian menunjukkan risiko prioritas yang menyebabkan kinerja rantai pasok beras di Wilayah Timur Provinsi Aceh terganggu. Risiko prioritas untuk rantai pasok petani (supplier) adalah risiko ketergangguan jadwal tanam dan risiko gagal panen akibat anomali kondisi iklim, risiko prioritas rantai pasok pengumpul adalah risiko keterlambatan penerimaan pasokan dan risiko tidak tercapai volume penjualan, risiko prioritas rantai pasok kilang padi adalah risiko kegagalan pengiriman hasil produksi dan risiko penurunan stok ketika ada pesanan, risiko prioritas rantai pasok distributor adalah risiko tidak beroperasi pengantaran hasil produksi dan risiko kegagalan pengantaran hasil produksi, risiko prioritas rantai pasok pedagang grosir adalah risiko keterlambatan penerimaan beras, risiko kekurangan stok, dan risiko fluktuasi jumlah penerimaan beras dari kilang padi. Pada rantai pasok pedagang pengecer beras adalah risiko kekurangan ketersediaan stok beras, risiko kegagalan penerimaan beras, risiko keterlambatan penerimaan beras dan risiko fluktuasi harga beras.
Kata kunci : Risiko prioritas, rantai pasok, beras.
Abstract. Rice distribution activities in Aceh to meet the demand for rice for the community are hampered, one of which is caused by climate change and this disrupts the Aceh Province rice supply chain. Climate change creates uncertainty for actors in the rice supply chain starting from cultivation, harvest, post-harvest handling, rice processing, and distribution. This research aims to answer this problem by identifying priority risks in the supply chain using Fuzzy FMEA analysis which is used as a tool to measure the priority risks identified by each supply chain actor in the East Coast Region of Aceh Province. Research shows that 44 risks disrupt the performance of the rice supply chain in the Eastern Region of Aceh Province. The priority risk for the farmer (supplier) supply chain is the risk of disruption to planting schedules and the risk of crop failure due to anomalous climate conditions, the priority risk for the collector supply chain is the risk of delays in receiving supplies and the risk of not achieving sales volumes, the priority risk for the rice mill supply chain is the risk of delivery failure production results and the risk of decreasing stock when there is an order, the priority risk of the distributor's supply chain is the risk of non-operational delivery of production results and the risk of failure to deliver production results, the priority risk of the wholesaler's supply chain is the risk of delays in receiving rice, the risk of stock shortages, the risk of fluctuations in the amount of rice received from rice mills, the risk of rice price fluctuations, and priority risks in the supply chain of rice retailers are the risk of shortage of rice stock availability, the risk of failure to receive rice, the risk of delays in receiving rice and the risk of rice price fluctuations.
Keywords: Risk priority, supply chain, and rice.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v9i1.29018
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