Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen Dalam Penerapan Digital Marketing (Promosi), Kualitas Product, Carga dan Kualitas Layanan di Atariki Japan Kota Banda Aceh
The superior commodity that is srtaegis in Indonesia, namely the agricultural sector can produce rice to meet national food needs, one of the industrial supporters to meet basic needs is the rice milling business. Albaroqah Rice Factory is a rice milling industry, which produces rice by purchasing grain raw materials from farmers and collecting traders and marketing its products located in Keude Lapang Village, Gandapura District, Bireuen Regency. Product development requires effective marketing in obtaining goals and desires so that the business can run. This study aims to determine what internal and external factors affect business development, what internal and external factors affect business development and business development strategies in increasing business competitiveness at the albaroqah rice refinery. The location of this study was chosen intentionally (purposive) based on considerations based on research objectives. This research was conducted using the case study method, by conducting direct observations at the research location. The data analysis used in this study is the SWOT matrix. The results of this study show that the internal factor that affects the rice milling business is the production process of a strategic business location with a score of 1.00 while the external factor that influences is availability of raw materials with a weighted score of 0.43. The business development strategy of the Albaroqah Rice Factory based on the results of SWOT analysis is in quadrant I which means aggressive strategy (SO). The SO strategy is a strategy that supports efforts to continue to maximize existing strengths and opportunities.
Full Text:
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