Aktivitas Kedih (Presbytis thomasi Raffles, 1821) di Lahan Garap Kopi Masyarakat di Kawasan Hutan Sekitaran Desa Damaran Baru, Kecamatan Timang Gajah, Kabupaten Bener Meriah
Abstrak. Kedih (Presbytis thomasi) satu-satunya primata Asia yang hanya terdapat di Pulau Sumatera. Menurut Supriatna dan Wahyono (2000), Provinsi Aceh dan Provinsi Sumatera Utara sama-sama memiliki 2.000 ekor kedih. MenurutPersatuan Internasional untuk Konservasi Alam atau Organisasi Internasional untuk Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup (IUCN), status " rentan " atau " VU " mengacu pada kategori spesies yang sedikit dipahami dan dikenal. ke Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Indonesia Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami aktivitas yang dilakukan di sekitar kedai kopi di,Damarana Baru, Gajah Kabupaten Kawasan Hutan. Penggunaan metode ini dapat dilakukan di dalam lokasi pengamatan dengan menjelajahi seluruh kawasan maupun di luar lokasi pengamatan.Purposif Sampling digunakan untuk menentukan daerah yang akan dilakukan penelitian. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, hasil penelitian yang dapat diambil adalah ditemukannya dua kelompok kedih yang berada di lahan garap kopi masyarakat yang dimana pada kelompok pertama dijumpai 5 individu yang terdiri dari jantan dewasa, betina dewasa dan tiga anakan. Sedangkan untuk kelompok kedua terdiri dari 4 individu yang terdiri dari jantan dewasa, betina desawa dan dua anakan. Aktivitas yang paling banyak dilakukan yaitu duduk dengan jumlah 7 dan persentasenya sebesar 39 % disusul dengan makan dengan jumlah 6 dan persentasenya 33% dan aktivitas mencapai puncak sebanyak 5 dengan persentasenya yaitu 28%. Aktivitas dduduk yang lebih banyak dijumpai pada kelompok kedih di lahan garap kopi masyarakat.
Kedih Activities (Presbytis thomasi Raffles, 1821) in Community Coffee Cultivation Land in the Forest Area Around Damaran Baru Village, Timang Gajah District, Bener Meriah Regency
Abstract. Kedih (Presbytis thomasi) is an Asian primate found only on the island of Sumatra. According to Supriatna and Wahyono (2000) there are 2,000 redheads in Aceh Province and North Sumatra Province. The kedih is a type of wild animal that is difficult to find and based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature or the international agency for nature conservation (IUCN), kedih has the status of Vulnerable (Vulnerable/VU). In Indonesia, kedih is a type of animal whose life is protected based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number 106 of 2018 concerning Protected Types of Plants and Animals. This kedih is included in protected animals and Appendix II in CITES. The aim of this research is to determine kedih activity in the community's coffee cultivation land in the Forest Area around Damarana Baru Village, Tiamng Gajah District, Bener Meriah Regency. This research uses the Direct Exploration Method (Explorative Survey), namely a method carried out by direct observation at the research location or direct observation. This method can be used within the observation location by exploring the entire area or outside the observation location. The existence of kedih is known based on the results of interviews with the management. Purposive sampling is used to determine the area where research will be conducted. Based on the research that has been carried out, the conclusion that can be drawn is that two groups of kedih were found in the community's cultivated land, where in the first group 5 individuals were found consisting of an adult male, an adult female and three chicks. Meanwhile, the second group consisted of 4 individuals consisting of an adult male, adult female and two cubs. The most frequently performed activity is sitting with a number of 7 and the percentage is 39%, followed by eating with a number of 6 and a percentage of 33% and perching activities are 5 with a percentage of 28%. The sitting activity is more often found in the kedih group on the community's coffee cultivation land.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v8i4.27948
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