Pengaruh Ekstrak n – Heksana Babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.)Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Aktivitas Biokimia Gulma Bayam Duri (Amaranthus spinosus L.)

Mauliana Zikri, Erita Hayati, Gina Erida


Abstrak. Babadotan yakni gulma yang dimanfaatkan sebagai boioherbisida karena  memiliki senyawa alelokimia yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mengendalikan gulma selain penggunaan herbisida sintetis, karna dapat menganggu pertumbuhan dan aktivitas biokimia tanaman. Dari hasil uji fitokimia terdapat dua golongan senyawa pada ekstrak babadotan yang dilarutkan ekstrak n – heksana yakni terpenoid dan alkaloid yang memiliki sifat fitotoksik bagi tanaman. Penelitian ini di laksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma, Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih, Laboratorium Analisis Pangan Jurusan, Kebun Percobaan, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pelaksanaan penelitian telah di mulai sejak Desember 2022 sampai April 2023. Penelitian ini menerapkan Racangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial  dengan 6 perlakuan menggunakan ekstrak  n -  heksana babadotan konsentrasi 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% serta aquades dan herbisida 2,4 D sebagai pembanding yang terdiri dari 3 kali ulangan. Dari hasil penelitian menerangkan bahwasanyasanya konsentrasi 15% telah mematikan gulma di 7 HSA yang tidak berbeda dengan konsentrasi 20% sehingga mampu menghabat penambahan tinggi, jumlah daun, diameter batang, luas daun, panjang akar, bobot kering tajuk dan bobot kering akar. Penggunaan ekstrak n - heksana babadotan konsentrasi 20% berdampak sangat nyata terhadap aktivitas biokimia menunjukkan hasil terbaik dalam meningkatkan daya hantar listrik (DHL) pada 3 HSA. Konsentrasi 15% ekstrak n -  heksana babadotan pada penelitian ini memperlihatkan  pengaruh terbaik dalam menghambat pertumbuhan gulma bayam duri dan aktivitas biokimia  yang  setara dengan perlakuan menggunakan herbisida 2,4 - D.

Kata kunci: Aktivitas biokimia, alelokimia, bioherbisida, n - heksana 

Effect of Babadotan n – Hexane Extract Bily Goat Weeds                    (Ageratum conyzoides L.) on Growth and Biochemical Activity of  Thorn  Spinach (Amaranthus spinosus L.) Weed

Abstract. Bily Goat is one of the weeds that is used as a boioherbicide because it has allelochemical compounds that can be used to control weeds apart from using synthetic herbicides, because it can disrupt plant growth and biochemistry. From the results of phytochemical tests, there are two groups of compounds in bily goat extract dissolved in n - hexane extract, namely terpenoids and alkaloids which have phytotoxic properties for plants. This research was carried out at the Weed Science Laboratory, Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Food Analysis Laboratory, Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. The research was carried out from December 2022 to April 2023. This research used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments using n-hexane bily goat extract in concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% as well as distilled water and herbicide 2 .4 D as a comparison consisting of 3 repetitions. The research results showed that a 15% concentration was able to kill weeds at 7 DSA which was no different from a 20% concentration so that it was able to inhibit the increase in height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area, root length, shoot dry weight and root dry weight. The use of n - hexane bily goat extract with a concentration of 20% also had a very significant effect on biochemical activity, showing the best results in increasing the electrical conductivity (DHL) at 3 HSA. The 15% concentration of n-hexane bily goat extract in this study showed the best effect in inhibiting the growth of thorn spinach weed and the biochemical activity was equivalent to treatment using 2,4-D herbicide.

Key words: Allelochemistry, biochemical activity, bioherbicide, n – heksana



Kata kunci; Aktivitas biokimia; alelokimia; bioherbisida; n - heksana Key words; Allelochemistry; biochemical activity; bioherbicide;n – heksana

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