Niki Nadialita, Ashabul Anhar, Ali Muhammad Muslih


Peat Hydrological Units (KHG) are peat ecosystem areas that are naturally bordered by rivers and/or the sea. The area of peat land in Aceh Province is spread across several districts, one of which is Aceh Barat district. Collecting data in the field uses a purposive sampling method with the aim of making the data obtained more representative and managing it using a guided classification method. The research location is located in the Krueng Wonki-Krueng Gubon Hydrological Unit in West Aceh Regency. The results of this research aim to determine land cover and its changes in 2006, 2011, 2015 and 2020 in the Krueng Wonki-Krueng Gubon Peat Hydrological Unit (KHG) in Aceh Barat regency using the maximum opportunity classification method. The results of this research show that there are 9 land cover classes, namely swamp forests, plantations, settlements, bushes, swamp bushes, rice fields, open land, water bodies and clouds. The largest land cover area of the Krueng Wonki-Krueng Gubon Peat Hydrological Unit in 2006, 2011, 2015 and 2020 was plantations with an area of 3,209.09 Ha in 2006, 2,297.32 Ha in 2011, 2,986.97 Ha in 2015, 5,032 .69 Ha in 2020


Peat ecosystem area, PHU, maximum likelihood classification

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