Studi Gerak pada Pengoperasian Trailer Konvensional menggunakan Hand Traktor roda Pneumatik di Lahan Sawit pada kemiringan Sepuluh Persen
Abstrak. Traktor roda dua merupakan alat transportasi di lahan pertanian baik itu di lahan beraspal maupun persawahan, namun jarang digunakan karena masih terdapat beberapa masalah pada saat mengoprasikannya. Sulitnya pengoprasian traktor pada saat digandengkan dengan trailer konvensional karena keterbatasan operator, serta sulitnya pengendalian stang kemudi traktor pada saat melakukan belokan. bahwa ukuran dari postur tiap subjek itu mempengaruhi tingkat kenyaman pada saat pengoprasian traktor. Tujuan penelitian dimanauntuk menentukan tingakat kenyamana, menganalisis, dan menguji dari postur tubuh operator melalui analisis studi gerak agar dapat mengetahui keluhan yang terjadi pada tubuh operatur sehingga penggunaan tariler konvensional ini dapat lebih di optimalkan. HasilAnalisis Selang Alami Gerak (SAG) menunjukan bahwa untuk postur tubuh bagian atas (upper limbs) meliputi tangan, lengan atas dan bawah, dan bahu itu berada pada zona hijau atau aman dan postur tubuh bagian bawah (lower limbs) meliputi paha, lutut, betis dan kaki berada pada zona kuning dan merah atau tidak aman. Hasil analisis RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) mendapatkan hasil bahwa pengoprasian Trailer Konvensional pada postur banyak mengalami keluuhan pada bagian postur tubuh, bahwa untuk operator postur A (upper limbs) perlu melakukan investigasi dan perbaikan perlu dilakukan dan postur B (lower limbs) perlu melakukan investigasi dan perbaikan harus dilakukan. Hasil analisis NBM (Nordic Body Map) didapatkan hasil bawah Trailer Konvensional memiliki keluhan terbanyak sebesar 49 keluhan pada upper limbs dan untuk lower limbs sebesar 6 keluhan untuk Trailer Konvensional
(Motion Study on Conventional Trailer Operation Using Pneumatic Hand Wheel Tractor in Oil Palm Land at 10% slope)
Abstrak : Two-wheeled tractors are a means of transportation on agricultural land, both on paved land and rice fields, but they are rarely used because there are still some problems when operating them. The difficulty of operating a tractor when coupled with a conventional trailer is due to the limitations of the operator, as well as the difficulty of controlling the tractor's handlebars when making turns. that the size of the posture of each subject affects the level of comfort when operating the tractor. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of comfort, analyze, and test the operator's body posture through motion study analysis in order to find out complaints that occur in the operator's body so that the use of this conventional dance can be optimized. The results of the Natural Interval of Motion (SAG) analysis show that the posture for the upper body (upper limbs) includes the hands, upper and lower arms, and shoulders that are in the green or safe zone and for the posture of the lower body (lower limbs) includes the thighs, knees, calves. and the feet are in the yellow and red or unsafe zones. The results of the analysis of RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) show that the operation of the Conventional Trailer in postures has many complaints in the postures, that posture A (upper limbs) operators need to carry out investigations and repairs need to be done and posture B (lower limbs) need to carry out investigation and correction should be carried out. The results of the NBM (Nordic Body Map) analysis show that Conventional Trailers have the most complaints with 49 complaints for the upper limbs and 6 complaints for the lower limbs for Conventional Trailers.
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