Strategi pengembangan ekowisata gua sarang sebagai penunjang kawasan wisata alam pulau sabang
Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata Gua Sarang adalah berupa Mengembangkan Ekowisata Gua Sarang menjadi ekowisata unggulan kota sabang, Pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar gua sarang, Peningkatkan promosi Gua Sarang dan perbaikan Akses jalan menuju gua.
The strategy for the development of cave nest ecotourism as a support for the natural tourism area of Sabang Island
Abstract. Ecotourism is a tourism activity that has a focus on preserving natural resources while ecotourism activities are recreational and tourism activities, education, research, culture and love of nature which are carried out in natural tourist objects. Sarang Cave Ecotourism istourist attraction that displays the charm of the beach and caves that are in one tourist attraction. Sarang Cave ecotourism is a natural cave located to the west of the tourist area of Iboih Beach, to be precise, behind the hill of Mount Sabang. Sarang Cave is a new ecotourism object and is still in the process of being developed. The tourism development strategy aims to develop quality, balanced and gradual products and services. Management of tourism activities is very necessary in order to restrain tourists from staying longer in tourist destinations and how to make tourists spend as much money as possible while traveling. In Sarang Cave Ecotourism, SWOT analysis is used to determine the development strategy and the factors that influence the development of Nest Cave.
The strategy for developing Sarang Cave Ecotourism is in the form of developing Sarang Cave Ecotourism to become a leading ecotourism in the city of Sabang, Empowering communities around the nest cave, Increasing promotion of Sarang Cave and improving access to the road to the cave
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