Potensi Antioksidan Daun Johar (Cassia seamea Lamk.)

Sari Hanum, Muhammad Ikhsan Sulaiman, Martunis Martunis



Johar (Cassia seamea Lamk.) merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh dengan baik didaerah tropis dan diketahui mengandung antioksidan. Daun johar sering digunakan sebagai obat herbal dalam penyembuhan penyakit malaria, hepatitis, demam dan penyakit kulit. Selama ini masyarakat memanfaatkan daun johar dengan cara meminum air rebusan daun johar segar  tanpa memilih daun muda atau tua untuk dijadikan obat herbal. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh tingkat ketuaan daun johar, pengeringan daun johar dan waktu perebusan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji potensi antioksidan pada air hasil rebusan daun johar muda dan tua yang segar dan kering. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan 3 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah tingkat ketuaan daun johar (J) yaitu J1 = daun johar muda dan J2 = daun johar tua. Faktor kedua adalah pengeringan daun (P) yaitu P1 = daun segar dan P2 = daun kering. Faktor ketiga adalah lama perebusan (V) yaitu V1 = perebusan 15 menit dan V2 = perebusan 25 menit. Air hasil rebusan daun johar segar memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan daun johar kering. Daun johar segar muda dan tua masing-masing memiliki nilai IC50=31,56 µg BK/g DPPH dan IC50=29,66 µg BK/g DPPH. Aktivitas antioksidan daun johar muda yang kering lebih tinggi dengan nilai IC50=4,13 µg BK/g DPPH dibandingkan daun johar tua yang kering dengan nilai IC50=14,15 µg BK/g DPPH. Total fenol daun johar kering juga lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daun johar segar. Total fenol daun johar muda yang kering tidak berbeda  nyata dengan  daun johar tua yang kering yaitu masing-masing 8,48 mgGAE/g BK dan 8,57 mgGAE/g BK. Sedangkan waktu perebusan yang digunakan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan total fenol yang dihasilkan.



Johar (Cassia seamea Lamk.) is a plant growing well in tropical areas and known to contain antioxidants. Its leaves are often used as herbal medicine in the treatment of malaria, hepatitis, fever and skin diseases. At this time, people use its leaves by drinking the boiled water of the fresh leaves of it without choosing young or old leaves of it to be used as herbal medicine. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct research about the influences of age rate, and drying of the Johar leaves, and the boiling time of antioxidant activity. The purpose of this research was to investigate antioxidant potencies in water resulted from boiling of young and old leaves of Johar that were fresh and dry. The research used a randomized block design (RAK) Factorial by 3 factors. The first factor was the age rate of Johar leaves (J), that was, J1 = young Johar leaves, and J2 = old Johar leaves. The second factor was the drying of the leaves (P), that was, P1 = fresh leaves, and P2 = dry leaves. The third factor was the long in boiling (V), that was, V1 = boiling for 15 minutes, and V2 = boiling for 25 minutes. The water resulted from boiling of the fresh Johar leaves had antioxidant activity that was lower compared to the dry Johar leaves. Each young and old fresh Johar leaf had the value of IC50=31,56 µg BK/g DPPH dan IC50=29,66 µg BK/g DPPH. The antioxidant activity of the young dry Johar leaves was higher than the value of IC50=4,13 µg BK/g DPPH compared to the old dry Johar leaves with the value of IC50=14,15 µg BK/g DPPH. The total phenol of dry Johar leaves was also higher than the leaves of fresh Johar. The total phenol of young dry Johar leaves was not significantly different from the old dry Johar leaves, that was, each 8.48 mgGAE / BK and 8.57 g mgGAE / g BK. While, boiling time used did not significantly affect the antioxidant activity and total phenol produced.


Daun johar, Antioksidan, Total Fenol - Johar leaf, Antioxidant, Total phenol

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v3i1.2237


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