Evaluasi pengguna tepung ciplukan (physalis angulata linn) dalam ransum terhadap kelayakan analisis dan profitabilitas usaha puyuh jantan
Abstract Utilization of ciplukan flour (physalis angulata linn) as a poultry feed ingredient, especially for quail, is still very rarely done, especially in terms of financial aspects and business profitability. For this reason, this research is urgently needed to be carried out in the hope of providing an overview of the business feasibility and profitability value obtained from male quail farming using basal rations containing ciplukan flour. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of ciplukan flour as a feed ingredient in quail ration formulations and its effect on business viability and profitability. The research material used was 64 male quail, which were reared from the age of 1 week to 5 weeks of age, the research was carried out at the Animal Husbandry Field Laboratory (LLP) Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University which took place on November 20, 2021 - January 4, 2022. The research method was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design consisting of 4 ration treatments and 4 replications. The ration treatments consisted of: P1 = control ration (0% ciplukan), P2 = basal ration (2% ciplukan flour), P3 = basal ration (4% ciplukan flour, and P4 = basal ration (6% ciplukan flour). observed include: production costs, revenues, income/profits, business feasibility (R/C ratio and B/C ratio), and profitability.The data obtained were tabulated and analyzed descriptively.
The results showed that the use of ciplukan flour as much as 2-6% (P2, P3 and P4) in the male quail ration formulation could reduce the production cost of quail farming compared to the control treatment (P1). The lowest total cost of production is found in the treatment of rations containing 6% ciplukan flour (P4), which is Rp. 72,298 and the highest total cost of production is in the control treatment (P1), which is Rp. 80,497. Likewise, the cost/price of the rations obtained ranged from Rp. 6,760 - Rp. 7.420/kg. Furthermore, the value of receipts obtained ranged from Rp. 98.000 - Rp. 105,000/treatment. While the profits obtained start from Rp. 17,504 - Rp. 30,167/treatment. The highest profit was found in the ration treatment containing 6% ciplukan flour (P4), which was Rp. 25,702, and the lowest was obtained in the control treatment (P1), which was Rp. 10,504. Furthermore, the highest R/C ratio was found in the ration treatment containing 4% ciplukan flour (P3), which was 1.40, while the lowest was the control treatment (P1), which was 1.22. Likewise, the highest B/C ratio value was found in the ration treatment containing 4% ciplukan flour (P3) with a B/C ratio value of 0.40, and the lowest B/C ratio was found in the control treatment (P1) and the lower ration treatment. contains 0% ciplukan flour with a B/C ratio value of 0.22. Furthermore, the highest profitability value was found in the ration treatment containing 2-6% ciplukan flour (P2, P3 and P4) and the lowest was in the control treatment (P1). It was concluded that the use of ciplukan flour as much as 2-6% in the formulation of male quail rations can reduce production costs and increase the value of profitability and is feasible to continue/develop male quail business on a larger scale.
Keywords: Male Quail, Ciplukan, Production Costs, Revenue, Income, Business Feasibility (R/C ratio and B/C ratio), and Profitability.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v7i3.21362
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