Karakterisasi Morfologi dan Klasifikasi Tanah Aluvial Menurut Sistem Soil Taxonomy di Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Ayu Ara Putri Gayo, Zainabun Zainabun, Teti Arabia


Abstrak. Tanah Aluvial merupakan tanah yang berasal dari endapan Aluvial atau koluvial muda dengan perkembangan pedon tanah lemah sampai tidak ada. Tanah Aluvial berdasarkan sistem Klasifikasi Tanah Nasional merupakan setara dengan padanan tanah Entisol. Aluvial di Desa Limpok berada pada ketinggian tempat 11 m dpl dan bentuk relief yaitu datar dengan kelerengan 3%. Tipe iklim yaitu tipe C, rejim kelembaban tergolong udik, dan rejim suhu tanah tergolong isohipertermik. Tanah dicirikan oleh: tekstur tanah liat berpasir sampai lempung liat berpasir, warna tanah cokelat gelap sampai coklat kekuningan, struktur tanah gumpal membulat, konsistensi tanah saat basah sangat lekat. C-organik tergolong sangat rendah, dan KB rendah-tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakterisasi dan klasifikasi tanah Aluvial adalah: epipedon penciri yaitu umbrik karena memiliki solum tanah ≥ 18 cm (18 cm), kandungan C-organik ≥ 0,6% (0,68%), kejenuhan basa ≤ 50% (24,35%) dan value serta chroma ≤ 3 (value 3 dan chroma 3); horison penciri bawah dijumpai adalah kambik karena memiliki tebal lapisan tanah di horison Bw ≥ 15 cm yaitu 30 cm, memiliki kelas tekstur pasir sangat halus, pasir sangat halus berlempung, atau yang lebih halus. Ordo dikategorikan Inceptisol, subordo Udept, great group Dystrudept dan subgrup Fluventic Dystrudept.


Morphological Characterization and Classification of Alluvial Soil according to the Soil Taxonomy System in Aceh Besar District

Abstract. Alluvial soil is soil derived from young Alluvial or colluvial deposits with weak to non-existent soil pedon development. Alluvial soil based on the National Soil Classification system is equivalent to the soil equivalent of Entisol. The Alluvial in Limpok Village is at an altitude of 11 m above sea level and the relief form is flat with a slope of 3%. The climate type is type C, the humidity regime is hick, and the soil temperature regime is isohyperthermic. The soil is characterized by: sandy loam to sandy loam texture, dark brown to yellowish brown soil color, rounded loamy soil structure, very sticky soil consistency when wet. C-organic is classified as very low, and KB is low-high. The results showed that the characterization and classification of alluvial soils were: epipedon characterizing umbric because it has a soil solum 18 cm (18 cm), C-organic content 0.6% (0.68%), base saturation 50% (24,35%) and value and chroma 3 (value 3 and chroma 3); The bottom characterizing horizon found was kambik because it had a thick layer of soil in the Bw horizon 15 cm, which is 30 cm, had a texture class of very fine sand, very fine sandy loam, or a finer one. The order is categorized as Inceptisol, suborder Udept, great group Dystrudept and subgroup Fluventic Dystrudept.


Kata kunci : Aluvial, karakterisasi morfologi, klasifikasi tanah, Sistem Taksonomi Tanah Keywords: Alluvial, morphological characterization, soil classification, Soil Taxonomy System

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v7i3.20885


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