Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Ekspor Kopi Indonesia di Masa Covid-19
Coffee is a superior product owned by Indonesia. Indonesian coffee plants have a great ability so it is good to continue to be developed. Indonesia's coffee exports include international trade which was affected by the Covid-19 which was first found in Indonesia in March 2020. The volume of Indonesian coffee exports in 2020 increased but not with the value of Indonesian coffee exports which faced a decline. The object used in this research is coffee beans for both industry and consumption with the Harmonized System (HS) or the international code 090111. The type of data in this study is secondary data. The data collected is time series data with a monthly time series in the range of January 2018 to June 2021. This study uses an analytical method in the form of multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research show that the volume of Indonesian coffee exports and the corona virus dummy significantly affect the value of Indonesian coffee exports, while the rupiah exchange rate against the US$, Indonesian coffee production, interest rates and international coffee prices do not significantly affect the value of Indonesian coffee exports. Simultaneously, all variables, namely the volume of Indonesian coffee exports, the exchange rate of the rupiah against the US$, Indonesian coffee production, interest rates, international coffee prices and the corona virus dummy are variables that have a very significant effect.
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