Inventarisasi Jenis dan Kerapatan Vegetasi di Resort Pengelolaan Hutan Alue Geulima Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan Aceh Besar
Abstract. The type of forest cover/vegetation in the Pocut Meurah Intan Forest Park Conservation Area (Tahura PMI) consists of primary natural forest, secondary natural forest and cultivation areas (gardens) that occurred due to forest encroachment by communities around the Tahura location. This study aimed to take an inventory of species and determine the density of vegetation in the Alue Geulima Forest Management Resort. This research used purposive sampling method with random start. The placement of plots with uniform systematic distribution sampling, namely the shape and distance of the plots are uniform. The results showed that of the 22 types of vegetation found in the Forest Management Resort Alue Geulima Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan Aceh Besar there were 492 individuals and the dominant species was puspa (Schima wallichi). Species density for seedlings, saplings, poles, and trees was 4200, 1248, 556, and 233 individuals ha-1, respectively. The species density at the seedling and sapling levels did not meet the average density standard for natural forest vegetation, while at the pole and tree levels met the standard.
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