Identifikasi Sebaran Pohon di Hutan Kota BNI Banda Aceh

Asyrafun Nisa, Ali M. Muslih, Sugianto Sugianto


The development of the economy and the increase in population in urban areas have led to the increasing use of green open space for other purposes. The development of green open space (RTH) is expected to improve the environmental quality of an urban area and revitalize urban ecosystems. BNI City Forest has various types of trees to support the beauty and beauty of urban areas, the presence of tree species in the BNI City Forest Environment has not yet identified the location of the tree distribution, therefore research on identifying the distribution of trees in the BNI City Forest area needs to be carried out. The method used in this research is census ,namely by recording all types and numbers of trees that are above ground level. The results showed that the tree species in the BNI Banda Aceh City Forest area were 16 tree species consisting of 8 families with a total of 318 individuals, Sea cedar ( Casuarina equisetifolia ) was the most commonly found tree species, namely 163 trees (51.3% ). Trees in the BNI City Forest area need to be considered for proper maintenance so that the tree can be maintained and beautiful.

Keywords: Urban Forest, tree distribution, green open space, census method  



Hutan Kota; sebaran pohon ; ruang terbuka hijau; metode sensus; Urban Forest; tree distribution; green open space; census method

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