Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kemiskinan Pedesaan Di Provinsi Aceh

Kamisah Kamisah, Agustina Arida, Indra Indra


The development of an area is carried out with the aim of improving the welfare of its community. Through economic development, it is expected to be able to eradicate social problems, development and poverty. Poverty is a problem in any country because it is a complex and unfinished problem. One of the provinces that is still classified as poor is Aceh Province. One of the missions in Aceh Province is the mission in rural areas. BPS Aceh stated that rural poverty in Aceh Province in September 2020 was 17.96 percent while in urban areas poverty in Aceh Province was 10.31 percent (DLHK, 2021). Development in Aceh Province continues to be carried out in order to improve the welfare of its people, especially improving the welfare of rural communities. Even development in Aceh Province continues to increase but this is not followed by a decrease in existing rural poverty. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence rural poverty in Aceh Province. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the research, the factors that affect rural poverty in Aceh Province are the GRDP of the agricultural sector, income distribution and NTP. Meanwhile, labor absorption and land area do not affect rural poverty. The value of R square is 0.984 or the effect is 98.4%.


PDRB sektor pertanian; Penyerapan tenaga kerja sektor pertanian; Distribusi pendapatan; NTP; Luas lahan sawah; Kemiskinan pedesaan; GRDP in the agricultural sector; Employment in the agricultural sector; Income distribution; NTP; Rice field area; Rural po

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v7i2.19650


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