Persepsi Petani Terhadap Penerapan Mesin Tanam Padi (Rice Transplanter) di Kecamatan Indrapuri dan Montasik Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Maulana Putra, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain, Zakiah Zakiah


The success of agricultural development cannot be separated from the readiness and competence of agricultural human resources, human resources are needed who have good capacity in planning, implementing, evaluating and monitoring the implementation of programs that have been planned, especially for the agricultural sector. The procurement of rice transplanters has become a concern for the government because it is also one of the programs contained in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN). This study examines farmers' perceptions of the application of Rice Transplanter rice planting machines, comparative comparisons of farmer perceptions in Indrapuri and Montasik sub-districts, and the relationship between perceptions and farmer characteristics on the application of Rice Transplanter rice planting machines in Indrapuri and Montasik districts, Aceh Besar district. The purpose of this study is to find out how the differences in farmers' perceptions of the application of the Rice Transplanter rice planting machine and see the relationship between the farmers' perceptions and the characteristics of the farmers on the application of the Rice Transplanter rice planting machine in Indrapuri and Montasik Districts, Aceh Besar District. Data collection was obtained from a survey of 40 respondents of rice farmers in Indrapuri and Montasik sub-districts. The analytical method in this study uses a Likert Scale model, Mann-Whitney Test, and Chi-Square Test processed through the SPSS program. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the Perceptions of Farmers in Indrapuri and Montasik Subdistricts, the Perceptions of Farmers in Indrapuri Subdistrict had applied the application of rice transplanter seed planting machine technology stably, while the Farmers' Perceptions of Montasik Subdistrict had not implemented the stable application of rice transplanter machine technology, and Characteristics of Farmers who have a relationship with perception include: experience, land ownership, intensity of participating in training, and expenses, while the characteristics of farmers who do not have a relationship with perception include: age, education, land area, and communication.


Karakteristik Petani; Persepsi; Mesin Tanam Padi

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