Shiddiq Mubarak, Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, hasanuddin hasanuddin


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakterisik dan perubahan dari komposisi gulma akibat  campuran herbisida clomazone dan oksifluorfen pada tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini bertempat di desa Rumpet, Aceh Besar pada ketinggian 6 meter diatas permukaan laut (mdpl) dan laboratorium Ilmu gulma, Fakultas Pertanian, Univeritas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh dari bulan Maret-Juli 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok pola non faktorial yang terdiri dari 8 kombinasi perlakuan. Peubah yang diamati adalah persentase pengendalian gulma, persentase penutupan gulma, spesies gulma, individu gulma dan koefisien komunitas. Campuran herbisida clomazone clomazone 0,75 kg b.a ha-1 + oksifluorfen 0,75 kg b.a ha-1 dan clomazone 0,5 kg b.a ha-1 + oksifluorfen 0,5 kg b.a ha-1 mampu meningkatkan persentase pengendalian gulma 51,33 % dan 49,33 % pada pengamatan 49 HST, menurunkan persentase penutupan gulma 40 % dan 48,67 % pada pengamatan 49 HST, menurunkan spesies gulma dan individu gulma. Terjadi perubahan komposisi gulma co-dominan yang diakibatkan oleh pengaplikasian campuran herbisida dari Asytacia gangetica menjadi gulma Cleome viscosa.

Kata kunci : : Herbisida clomazone, herbisida oksifluorfen, komposisi gulma, kedelai.

Application of  Clomazone  and  Oxyfluorphene Herbicide Mixture and Effect on Characteristics and Changes in Composition Weeds in Soybean Plants (Glycine max L. Merrill)

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and changes in weed composition due to a mixture of herbicides clomazone and oxyfluorphene on soybeans. This research took place in the village of Rumpet, Aceh Besar at an altitude of 6 meters above sea level (masl) and the Weed Science laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh from March-July 2021. This study used a randomized block design with a non-factorial pattern. consisted of 8 treatment combinations. The observed variables were the percentage of weed control, the percentage of weed cover, weed species, individual weeds and community coefficients. The herbicide mixture of clomazone clomazone 0.75 kg ba ha-1 + oxyfluorphene 0.75 kg ba ha-1 and clomazone 0.5 kg ba ha-1 + oxyfluorphene 0.5 kg ba ha-1 was able to increase the percentage of weed control 51.33% and 49.33% at 49 DAP observations, reducing the percentage of weed cover by 40% and 48.67% at 49 DAP observations, reducing weed species and individual weeds. There was a change in the composition of the co-dominant weeds caused by the application of a mixture of herbicides from Asytacia gangetica to Cleome viscosa weeds.

Keywords: Clomazone herbicide, oxyfluorphene herbicide, weed composition, soybean.


Herbisida clomazone; herbisida oksifluorfen; komposisi gulma; Clomazone herbicide; oxyfluorphene herbicide; weed composition; soybean

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v7i1.19208


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