Pengaruh Penambahan Kokoa Terhadap Mutu Kimia Dan Sensori Minuman Kopi-Kakao

Salsabila Salsabila, Heru Prono Widayat, Normalina Arpi


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan menentukan beberapa kandungan kimia dan tingkat kesukaan minuman yang dibuat dari berbagai rasio bubuk kopi arabika dan kokoa. Analisis yang dilakukan terhadap campuran bubuk kopi-kokoa yaitu kadar air dan kadar lemak. Analisis pada minuman atau seduhan kopi-kokoa yaitu kadar kafein, total fenol, penghambatan DPPH, dan uji organoleptik hedonik terhadap warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, aftertaste, dan overall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rasio bubuk kopi dan kokoa (C) berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air campuran bubuk kopi-kokoa, kafein, penghambatan DPPH, tekstur, aftertaste dan overall minuman kopi-kokoa. Jenis kokoa (V) berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar lemak bubuk campuran kopi-kokoa dan tingkat kesukaan terhadap aroma minuman kopi-kokoa dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap total fenol minuman kopi-kokoa. Interaksi kedua perlakuan berpengaruh  nyata terhadap tingkat kesukaan rasa minuman kopi-kokoa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kadar air yang dikandung campuran bubuk kopi-kokoa 2,67%-3,83%, kadar lemak 12,64% -14,15%. Sedangkan minuman kopi-kokoa yang dihasikan mengandung kafein 0,98%-1,24%, total fenol 0,36 mg/L-0,50 mg/L dan penghambatan DPPH  53,47%-71,71%.

The Effect Of Additional Cocoa On Chemical And Sensory Quality Of Coffee-Cocoa Beverage

Abstract. This research aims to learn and determine some of the chemical content and level of preference of drinks made from various ratios of Arabica coffee and Cocoa grounds. The analysis was carried out on the coffee-cocoa powder mixture, which is water content and fat content. Analysis of coffee-cocoa drinks included caffeine content, total phenol, inhibition of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), and hedonic organoleptic tests on color, aroma, taste, texture, aftertaste, and overall. The results showed that the ratio of coffee and cocoa powder (C) had a significant effect on the water content of the coffee-cocoa mixture, caffeine, DPPH inhibition, texture, aftertaste and overall coffee-cocoa drinks. The type of cocoa (V) had a very significant effect on the fat content of the coffee-cocoa mixture powder and the level of preference for the aroma of the coffee-cocoa drink and significantly on the total phenol of the coffee-cocoa beverage. The interaction of the two treatments had a significant effect on the level of preference for coffee-cocoa drinks. The results of this research indicate that the water content of the coffee-cocoa mixture is 2.67%-3.83%, fat content is 12.64% -14.15%. While the coffee-cocoa beverage produced contains caffeine 0.98%-1.24%, total phenol 0.36 mg/L-0.50 mg/L and DPPH inhibition 53.47%-71.71%.


Kopi Arabika, Kadar Lemak Kokoa, Minuman Kopi-Kokoa, Mutu Kimia, Murtu Sensori ; Arabica Coffee, Fat Content of Cocoa, Arabica-Cocoa Drink, Chemical Quality, Sensory Quality

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