Analisa Kandungan Boraks Dan Formalin Pada Mie Kuning Basah Yang Beredar Di Beberapa Pasar Kabupaten Aceh Tengah
Abstrak. Mie merupakan makanan yang terbuat dari tepung terigu yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat. Pada umumnya mie kuning basah memiliki masa simpan yang relative singkat. Tanpa penambahan bahan pengawet, masa penyimpanan mie basah relative pendek sekitar 16-20 jam jika disimpan pada suhu ruang. Sehingga, pengusaha mie sering dirugikan oleh mie yang cepat basi tanpa bahan pengawet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keamanan produk mie kuning basah dari bahan pangan berbahaya (boraks dan formalin) yang diperdagangkan di Pasar Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Penelitian ini meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu penentuan (1) lokasi pasar dan jumlah pedagang, (2) analisis kandungan boraks dan formalin, dan (3) uji fisik mie kuning basah. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini terletak dipasar Kabupaten Aceh Tengah meliputi 4 pasar yang menjadi acuan dengan jumlah pedagang yang berbeda. 4 pasar yang menjadi tempat pengambilan sampel mie kuning basah adalah Pasar Inpres, Pasar Bale atu, Pasar Paya ilang, Pasar Angkup. Pemilihan pedagang dilakukan berdasarkan pedagang yang menjual mie kuning basah dan sudah memiliki lapak tetap. Berdasarkan hasil uji boraks dan formalin diketahui bahwa tidak ada sampel mie kuning basah yang mengandung kedua bahan berbahaya tersebut. Hasil uji fisik menunjukkan bahwa aroma, warna, dan tekstur seluruh mie kuning basah sudah sesuai dengan standar SNI 2987:2015 pada awal pengamatan dan seluruh sampel mie kuning basah sudah tidak layak digunakan atau rusak pada penyimpanan 24 jam di suhu ruang.
Analysis Of Borax And Formalin Content In Wet Yellow Noodles Circulating In Some Markets, Central Aceh Regency
Abstract. Noodles are foods made from wheat flour that are very popular with the community. In general, wet yellow noodles have a relatively short shelf life. Without the addition of preservatives, the storage period of wet noodles is relatively short, about 16-20 hours if stored at room temperature. So, noodle entrepreneurs are often harmed by noodles that go stale quickly without preservatives. This study aims to determine the safety of wet yellow noodle products from hazardous food ingredients (borax and formalin) traded in the Central Aceh District Market. This research includes three stages, namely the determination of (1) the location of the market and the number of traders, (2) the analysis of the content of borax and formalin, and (3) the physical test of wet yellow noodles. Sampling in this study is located in the market of Central Aceh Regency covering 4 markets that are the reference with a different number of traders. The 4 markets where samples of wet yellow noodles were taken are Inpres Market, Bale atu Market, Paya ilang Market, Angkup Market. The selection of traders is based on traders who sell wet yellow noodles and already have a permanent stall. Based on the results of the borax and formalin tests, it was found that there were no samples of wet yellow noodles containing these two hazardous materials. The results of the physical test showed that the aroma, color, and texture of all wet yellow noodles were in accordance with the SNI 2987:2015 standard at the beginning of the observation and all samples of wet yellow noodles were not suitable for use or damaged at 24 hours storage at room temperature.
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Fakultas Pertanian,Universitas Syiah Kuala
Jl. Tgk. Hasan Krueng Kalee No. 3, Kopelma Darussalam,
Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia.