Pengaruh Faktor Produksi Terhadap Produksi dan Pendapatan Usahatani Bawang Merah di Kecamatan Simpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie

Safrina Safrina, Teuku Makmur, Ira Manyamsari


This study aims to determine the effect of production factors of land area, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and labor on shallot production in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie District and to determine the effect of production costs on onion farming income in Simpang Tiga District, Pidie District. The sampling technique was carried out by simple random sampling, totaling 36 respondents. The analytical technique used in this research is the Cobb-Douglass production function analysis method and multiple linear regression analysis. Production factors that do not affect the production of shallots are (X1) land area, (X4) pesticides and (X5) labor. While the influential ones are (X2) seeds, and (X3) fertilizers. Variable area of land that is accepted Ho means it has no effect on production where t-count < t-table (0.839 < 2.042). The seed variable, namely accept Ha, means that it has a significant effect on the production of shallots where t-count > t-table (3.564 > 2.024). The fertilizer variable, namely accept Ha, means that it has a significant effect on the production of shallots where t-count > t-table (2.189 > 2.042). The pesticide variable, namely accept Ho, means that it does not affect the production of shallots where t-count < t-table (-0.365 < 2.042). The labor variable, namely accepting Ho, means that it does not affect the production of shallots where t-count < t-table (0.653 < 2.042). The results of the analysis of the cost of production factors on farm income are those that have no effect on onion farming income, namely (X1) land costs, (X3) fertilizer costs, (X4) pesticides costs, and (X5) labor costs. While the influential is (X2) the cost of seeds. The land cost variable, namely accept Ho, means that it has no effect on onion income where t-count < t-table (0.974 < 2.042). The variable cost of seeds, namely receive Ha, means that it has a significant effect on onion income where t-count > t-table (2.899 > 2.024). The fertilizer cost variable, namely receiving Ho, means that it has no effect on onion income, where t-count > t-table (0.425 > 2.042). The pesticide cost variable, namely accepting Ho, means that it has no effect on onion income where t-count < t-table (- 1.442 < 2.042). The variable of labor costs, namely accept Ho, means that it has no effect on onion income where t-count < t-table (0.639 < 2.042).


Bawang Merah, Faktor Produksi, Produksi, Pendapatan ; Shallot, Factors of production, Production, Revenue

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