Automatic Palm Counting Menggunakan Citra Resolusi Spasial Tinggi
Abstrak. Perkebunan kelapa sawit Batee Puteh merupakan daerah pengembangan luas lahan kelapa sawit yang berada di PT ASN Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Batee Puteh. Perkembangan tersebut menjadi salah satu masalah yang perlu dilakukannya monitoring lahan secara akurat dan berkala untuk mengontrol produktivitas kelapa sawit dengan menerapkan konsep “Automatic Palm Counting”. Untuk mendapatkan hasil perhitungan automatic palm counting menggunakan metode template matching. Metode ini memerlukan tiga tahapan yaitu seleksi sampel, hasil sampel dan test template. Hasil penelitian automatic palm counting dibagi menjadi dua kategori area yaitu berdasarkan citra resolusi tinggi (google earth) dan foto udara (drone). Untuk automatic palm counting berdasarkan citra resolusi tinggi (google earth) yaitu area blok 12 AU diperoleh jumlah pohon sebanyak 1.274 dan area blok 12 AV diperoleh jumlah pohon sebanyak 1.811 sedangkan untuk hasil automatic palm counting berdasarkan foto udara (drone) yaitu area blok 12 AU diperoleh jumlah pohon sebanyak 1.531 dan area blok 12 AV diperoleh jumlah pohon sebanyak 2.149.
Automatic Palm Counting Using High Spatial Resolution Image
Abstract. Batee Puteh oil palm plantation is a development area of oil palm area located in PT ASN Batee Puteh Palm Oil Plantation. This development is one of the problems that requires accurate and periodic land monitoring to control oil palm productivity by applying the concept of "Automatic Palm Counting". To get the results of automatic palm counting calculations using the template matching method. This method requires three stages, namely sample selection, sample results and test templates. The results of automatic palm counting research are divided into two area categories, namely based on high resolution images (google earth) and aerial photos (drones). For automatic palm counting based on high resolution imagery (google earth) namely the 12 AU block area, 1.274 trees were obtained and the 12 AV block area obtained 1.811 trees, while for automatic palm counting results based on aerial photography (drone) namely the 12 AU block area, the number of trees as many as 1.531 and the area of block 12 AV obtained the number of trees as much as 2.149.
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