Analisis Perdagangan Intra Industri Komoditas Kakao Indonesia dan Malaysia

Muhammad Eza Arianda, Agus Nugroho, Anwar Deli


The situation of the international market has entered the era of globalization which has resulted in changes in international trade. If a country can export as well as import a commodity, then that country will specialize in producing a product so as to increase its productivity by reducing the cost of production per unit. This will involve the exchange of products from the same industrial sector, known as Intra-Industrial Trade. As the third highest cocoa exporting country in the world, Indonesia's cocoa exports, Indonesia's cocoa exports are still dominated by cocoa beans, so that Indonesia loses a lot of added value from cocoa derivative products. The purpose of this study is to identify the intra-industry trade of cocoa commodities in Indonesia and Malaysia. This study uses secondary time series data with a range of 2015-2019 and cross sections from several trading partners (China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam). Researchers used descriptive and quantitative analysis using Grubel-Lloyd analysis with the Intra-Industry Trade Index (IIT Index) approach. The results of this study indicate that the intra-industrial trade index for Indonesian and Malaysian cocoa commodities is 65.04% with a rather strong integration, this indicates that Indonesia and Malaysia are intensely exporting and importing cocoa commodities. Based on the HS Code of Cocoa Products, it was found that Cocoa Products with HS Code 18050000, namely Cocoa Flour/ Cocoa powder not containing added sugar or other swee etening matter became the mainstay of imports and exports between Indonesia and Malaysia with a strong PII classification of 88.69%, meaning that of the nine products Cocoa Cocoa flour is the most widely exported and imported by both countries. Followed by Block Form Chocolate (HS 18062000) with 62.33% with a Slightly Strong Classification.



Intra Industri Trade ; Perdagangan Internasional ; Kakao ; Intra Industry Trade ; Internasional Trade ; Cocoa

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