Analisis Perdagangan Intra Industri Komoditi Teh Indonesia

Aditya Tarikh Maulana Simbolon, Fajri Jakfar, Agus Nugroho


International trade plays an important role in the world economy as well as the Indonesian economy. Intra-industry trade is one part of international trade where trade relations between countries are dominated by the exchange of goods from relatively the same sector. However, the realization of intra-industry trade for Indonesian tea commodities began to decrease. On the other hand, the production of Indonesian tea commodities also experienced a decrease from 2014-2019. The purpose of this study is to find out how the intra-industry trade relationship for fermented black tea commodity (HS code: 090240) Indonesia in several Asian countries. This study uses secondary data from 2014-2019. The researcher used descriptive and quantitative analysis with the Gruble-Lloyd equation model. The results of this study indicate that intra-industry trade relations for fermented black tea commodities (HS code: 090240) between Indonesia and trading partner countries in Asia have decreased where Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and China have weak integration with Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Inida country has moderate integration with Indonesia.


Perdagangan Intra Industri, Perdagangan Internasional, Teh ; Intra Industry Trade, International Trade, Tea

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