Analisis Kelayakan Agroindustri Pengolahan Salak UD Salacca di Desa Aek Nabara Kecamatan Angkola Barat Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Salacca trading business is one of the business units engaged in the processing of food and beverages made from salak such as lunkhead, chips, syrup, dates and others. The purpose of this study is to analyze salak processing techniques, profits, feasibility, marketing channels, marketing margins and marketing efficiency of the Salacca trading business. The research method used is profit analysis, business feasibility analysis, margin analysis and marketing efficiency analysis. The results showed that the processing of Salacca trading business products started from the process of peeling the skin of the salak, washing the salak fruit, and separating the seeds from the salak meat, then the process of boiling the salak meat, grinding the salak. meat, cooking salak meat by mixing the necessary ingredients, then packaged. The Salacca trading business has a profit of Rp 240,263,152 per year. Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C Ratio) of 1.44, BEP of Production 7,074 kg and BEP of price of Rp 48,766, - and Return on Investment (ROI) of 44%. It is concluded that the Salak Trading Business is profitable and feasible to run. The Salacca trading business has two marketing channels, that is: marketing channel 1 (Salacca trading business – consumer), and marketing channel II (Salacca trading business – retailer – consumer). Marketing channel I has a margin of Rp 58,545,- in marketing channel II Salacca trading business have a margin of Rp 50,064,- retailers have a margin of Rp 8,481,-. Marketing channel I is the most efficient with a percentage of 35%.
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