Analisis Tingkat Minat Mahasiswa Universitas Syiah Kuala dalam Berwirausaha

Risqi Dwi Monita A, Suyanti Kasimin, Agussabti Agussabti


Indonesia is known as a country with abundant natural resources and abundant human resources. However, in Indonesia the phenomenon shows a contradictory relationship between natural resource wealth and economic perfomance. It is still far behind developed   and other resource rich countries. The basic factor of this phenomenon is caused by the quality of human resources. For example, when existing the  high number of graduate job seekers is not commensurate with the growth rate of job vacancies required, then there occur problem such as unemployment. Thus, one of the best solutions to overcome this unemployment problem is to create jobs, one of which is entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study were to analyze the level of interest of Syiah Kuala University students in entrepreneurship and find out what factors most affect  the interest of Syiah Kuala University students in entrepreneurship. This study used quantitative analysis methods described by descriptive statistics and Chi-Square analysis (Independency Test) using primary data obtained from online questionnaire the distributions. The results of this study indicated that the level of interest of Syiah Kuala University students in entrepreneurship is high with an index value of 81.31%.72,961.


Entrepreneurial Interest; Entrepreneurship; Student

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