Pengaruh Komposisi Media Tanam dan Konsentrasi Auksin terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Tanaman Tin (Ficus carica L.)

Herliana Herliana, Cut Nur Ichsan, Erita Hayati


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari komposisi media tanam serta konsentrasi auksin, ada tidaknya interaksi pertumbuhan setek tanaman Tin. Pelaksanaan penelitian bulan Maret sampai Juni 2019 di Kebun Percobaan 1 dan di lanjutkan di Laboratorium Fisiologi Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian. Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAKF) 4x3 merupakan rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Adapun faktornya komposisi media tanam  4 taraf (Tanah, 1 bagian tanah : 1 bagian pupuk kandang : 1 bagian sekam padi, 2 bagian tanah : 1 bagian pupuk kandang : 1 bagian sekam padi, 3 bagian tanah : 1 bagian pupuk kandang : 1 bagian sekam padi) dan konsentrasi auksin yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (0, 100, 200 ppm). Adapun hasil yang didapatkan yaitu perlakuan komposisi media tanam berpengaruh terhadap panjang tunas dan jumlah daun umur 4, 8, 12 MST, berat berangkasan basah, panjang akar, berat berangkasan kering serta berat kering akar dan berat basah akar. Komposisi media tanam terbaik adalah 3 bagian tanah: 1 bagian pupuk kandang: 1 bagian sekam padi. Konsentrasi auksin berpengaruh terhadap parameter panjang tunas dan jumlah daun umur 4, 8, 12 MST, berat berangkasan kering, panjang akar, berat berangkasan basah, serta berat kering akar dan berat basah akar. Konsentrasi terbaik untuk pertumbuhan setek tanaman tin adalah pada konsentrasi 0 ppm. Adanya interaksi terhadap panjang tunas dan jumlah daun umur 4, 8 dan 12 MST, berat kering akar, berat berangkasan basah, panjang akar,  berat berangkasan kering serta panjang akar dan berat basah akar. Pertumbuhan setek tin terbaik pada kombinasi 3 bagian tanah: 1 bagian pupuk kandang: 1 bagian sekam padi dengan konsentrasi auksin 100 ppm.

The Effect of the Growing Media Composition and Auxin Concentration on theTin Plant (Ficus carica L.) Cuttings Growth

This study aims to determine the effect of the composition of the planting media and the concentration of auxins, whether there is an interaction of growth of Tin cuttings. The research will be conducted from March to June 2019 in Experimental Garden 1 and continued at the Plant Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture. The 4x3 Randomized Block Design (RCBD) is the design used in this study. The factors for the composition of the planting media are 4 levels (soil, 1 part soil: 1 part manure: 1 part rice husk, 2 parts soil: 1 part manure: 1 part rice husk, 3 parts soil: 1 part manure: 1 part husk rice) and auxin concentrations consisting of 3 levels (0, 100, 200 ppm). The results obtained were the treatment of the composition of the planting medium affected the length of the shoot and the number of leaves aged 4, 8, 12 MST, wet wet weight, root length, dry dry weight and root dry weight and root wet weight. For the best composition of the planting medium are 3 parts soil: 1 part manure: 1 part rice husk. Auxin concentration affects the length of the shoot parameters and the number of leaves aged 4, 8, 12 MST, dry dry weight, root length, wet wet weight, and root dry weight and root wet weight. The best concentration for growth of tin cuttings is at a concentration of 0 ppm. Interaction of shoot length and number of leaves aged 4, 8 and 12 MST, root dry weight, wet wet weight, root length, dry wet weight and root length and root wet weight. The best growth of tin cuttings in a combination of 3 parts of soil: 1 part of manure: 1 part of rice husk with a concentration of auxin 100 ppm.


Komposisi Media Tanam; Konsentrasi Auksin; Tin composition of growing media; auxin concentration; Tin

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