Penentuan Umur Simpan Bumbu Masam Keueng Kering Instan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Acelerate Shelf Life Test (ASLT) Model Arrhenius
Abstract : Instant dry Masam Keueng seasoning is made of spices such as red chili pepper, garlic, and red onion, sunti acid, turmeric and ginger. All of the ingredients are cleaned and mashed up with blender by adding 280 ml of water, then dried in an oven at 50oC during nine hours, after that re-mashed up in a blender and packed in an aluminum foil packaging for 20gr. In a food industry the shelf life determination is needed so that the consumer can know the condition of the product. Shelf life is a time span of a product from thenbeginning ofnthe production until encounter a quality degradation of unfeasible for consumption. This study is conducted with semi empirical shelf life estimation acceleration method and Arrhenius equation. Shelf life estimation is determined by the quality degradation of instant dry Masam keueng seasoning that is been packaged with aluminum foil packaging based on the temperature factor (S) which consists of three levels specifically: S1 = room temperature (27-30oC), S2 = 40oC. and S3 = 50oC, along with storage time (P) which consists of 5 levels specifically: P1 = 0 day, P2 = 14 days, P3 = 28 days, P4 = 42 days, and P5 = 56 days. Every sample packing (20g) used in analysis is two repetition as much. Thenshelf lifenof masam keueng seasoning basedoon the water content criticalnparameter at room temperature of 27-30oC will last for 558 days, at 40oC will last for 384 days, and at 50oC will last for 271 days.
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