Perbandingan Berbagai Model Matematika Pada Pengeringan Lapisan Tipis Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi)

Rival Andrea, Raida Agustina, Indera Sakti Nasution


Abstract : Belimbing wuluh merupakan salah satu tanaman buah asli Indonesia dan daratan Malaya.Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi) banyak ditemui sebagai tanaman pekarangan yang mudah ditanam dan tidak memerlukan perawatan khusus.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan model matematika pada pengeringan lapisan tipis belimbing wuluh yang terbaik menggunakan beberapa persamaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan perhitungan kadar air belimbing wuluh,perhitunganMoisture Ratio dan perhitungan persamaan model matematika, Newton, Henderson&Pabis, Page, Modified page, Logarithmic, Modified Hederson & Pabis menggunakan Excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan keenam jenis model matematika pada pengeringan lapisan tipis belimbing wuluh dengan model Newton, Henderson and Pabis, Page, Modified page, Logarithmic, Modified Hederson & Pabis. Berdasarkan analisis didapat model terbaik pada pengeringan belimbing wuluh belah dua bagian yaitu model Page. Dari data pengamatan dengan prediksi model Page yang di dapat untuk belimbing wuluh belah dua bagian diperoleh nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,9849 suhu 40°C, 0,9824 suhu 50°C, dan 0,9807 pada suhu 60°C. Data pengamatan dengan prediksi model Henderson and Pabis yang di dapat untuk belimbing wuluh utuh  diperoleh nilai koefisien determinasi MR prediksi sebesar 0,9696 suhu 40°C, 0,9176 suhu 50°C, dan 0,9727 pada suhu 60°C. 

Comparison of Various Mathematical Models in Drying Thin Layer of Bilimbi

Abstract : Carambola Wuluh is one of the native fruit plants of Indonesia and the mainland of Malaya. Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi) is commonly found as a garden plant that is easily planted and does not require special care. The purpose of this study is to determine the mathematical model in drying the best thin layer of bilimb using several equations. This research was carried out by calculating the water content of bilimbi, calculating the Moisture Ratio and calculating the equations of mathematical models, Newton, Henderson & Pabis, Page, Modified page, Logarithmic, Modified Hederson & Pabis using Excel. The results showed that there were differences in the six types of mathematical models in drying thin layers of bilimbi with Newton, Henderson and Pabis models, Page, Modified pages, Logarithmic, Modified Hederson & Pabis. Based on the analysis, the best model was obtained in the drying of the two-part bilimi, the Page model. From the observational data with the prediction of Page models obtained for the two-part bilimbi obtained the value of the coefficient of determination is 0.9849 at 40 ° C, 0.9824 at 50 ° C, and 0.9807 at 60 ° C. Observation data with predictions of the Henderson and Pabis model obtained for whole bilimbi obtained the predictive value of the MR coefficient of 0.9696 at 40 ° C, 0.9176 at 50 ° C, and 0.9727 at 60 ° C.


Belimbing Wuluh; Pengeringan Lapisan Tipis; Model Matematika; Bilimbi ; Drying Thin Layer ; Mathematical Model ;

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