Karakteristik Morfologi dan Klasifikasi Tanah Andisol di Lahan Kering Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Ferdeanty Ferdeanty, Sufardi Sufardi, Teti Arabia


Abstrak. Andisol di BBH Gampong Aceh/Lembah Seulawah berasal dari bahan induk berupa batuan gunung api andesit - dasit, berbatu apung, tufa dan aglomerat pada zaman kuarter kala Plistosen - Holosen (0,6 juta tahun yang lalu). Berada pada ketinggian 453 m dpl., dengan bentuk relief miring. Tipe iklim wilayah Aceh Besar tergolong tipe iklim C, rejim kelembaban tergolong udik, dan rejim suhu tanah isohipertermik. Dicirikan oleh: struktur tanah remah; konsistensi tanah basah agak lekat; terasa licin (smeary); sifat tanah andik pada horizon Bw: C-organik < 25% (1,42%); bobot isi tanah < 0,90 g cm-³ (0,73 g cm-³); P-retensi ≥ 85% (99,90%); dan kadar Alo + ½ Feo ≥ 2% (5,51%); epipedon umbrik: tebal horizon AB ≥ 18 cm (18 cm); value lembab < 3 (3); C-organik ≥ 0,6% (3,95%); dan KB pH7 < 50% (10,62%). Horizon penciri bawah kambik: tekstur pasir sangat halus atau lebih halus (lempung berdebu); atau warna tanah lebih merah dari horizon diatasnya atau dibawahnya (sama-sama 7,5YR 3/4); atau struktur telah terbentuk (gumpal bersudut). Subordo dikategorikan Udand, great group Hydrudand, subgrup Eutric Hydrudand, dan tingkat famili Eutric Hydrudand, medial, campuran, isohipertermik.

Characteristics Morphology and Soil Classification of Andisol at Dry Land

in Aceh Besar District

Abstract. Andisols in BBH, Gampong Aceh/Lembah Seulawah are derived from the parent material in the form of andesite - dacite volcanic rocks, rocky floats, tuffs and agglomerates in the quarter-time period of the Plistocene-Holocene (0.6 million years ago). Located at an altitude of 453 m above sea level, with oblique relief. The climate type of the Greater Aceh region is classified as climate type C, humidity regimes are classified as hick, and isohyperthermic soil temperature regimes. Characterized by: crumb soil structure; the consistency of wet soils rather closely; feels slippery (smeary); andik soil characteristics on the Bw horizon: C-organic < 25% (1.42%); soil weight weight <0.90 g cm-³ (0.73 g cm-³); P-retention ≥ 85% (99.90%); and Alo + ½ Feo ≥ 2% (5.51%); Umbrik epipedon: horizon thickness AB ≥ 18 cm (18 cm); moist value <3 (3); C-organic ≥ 0.6% (3.95%); and KB pH 7 <50% (10.62%). Horizon characterizes the bottom of the cambic: the texture of the sand is very fine or finer (dusty clay); or the color of the soil is redder than the horizon above or below (both 7.5YR 3/4); or structures have formed (angular lumps.The suborder is categorized as Udand, the great Hydrudand group, the Eutric Hydrudand subgroup, and the level of the Eutric Hydrudand family, medial, mixed, isohyperthermic.

Abstract. Andisols in BBH, Gampong Aceh/Lembah Seulawah are derived from the parent material in the form of andesite - dacite volcanic rocks, rocky floats, tuffs and agglomerates in the quarter-time period of the Plistocene-Holocene (0.6 million years ago). Located at an altitude of 453 m above sea level, with oblique relief. The climate type of the Greater Aceh region is classified as climate type C, humidity regimes are classified as hick, and isohyperthermic soil temperature regimes. Characterized by: crumb soil structure; the consistency of wet soils rather closely; feels slippery (smeary); andik soil characteristics on the Bw horizon: C-organic < 25% (1.42%); soil weight weight <0.90 g cm-³ (0.73 g cm-³); P-retention ≥ 85% (99.90%); and Alo + ½ Feo ≥ 2% (5.51%); Umbrik epipedon: horizon thickness AB ≥ 18 cm (18 cm); moist value <3 (3); C-organic ≥ 0.6% (3.95%); and KB pH 7 <50% (10.62%). Horizon characterizes the bottom of the cambic: the texture of the sand is very fine or finer (dusty clay); or the color of the soil is redder than the horizon above or below (both 7.5YR 3/4); or structures have formed (angular lumps.The suborder is categorized as Udand, the great Hydrudand group, the Eutric Hydrudand subgroup, and the level of the Eutric Hydrudand family, medial, mixed, isohyperthermic.


Andisol; karakteristik morfologi; klasifikasi tanah; characteristics morphology; soil classification

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/jimfp.v4i4.12694


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