Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Kari (Murraya koenigii) dalam Memperpanjang Masa Simpan Fillet Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus sp)
Abstrak: Daun kari (Murraya koenigii) merupakan tanaman yang sangat populer di masyarakat, khususnya di Aceh. Daun kari biasanya dimanfaatkan sebagai bumbu penyedap masakan khusus Aceh karena dapat memberikan aroma yang khas dan rasa yang nikmat. Daun kari (Murraya koenigii) banyak mengandung zat aktif yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, seperti tannin, saponin, flavonoid dan minyak atsiri yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri, sehingga diharapkan dapat berfungsi menunda kecepatan terjadinya pembusukan pada ikan. Ikan tongkol (Euthynnus sp.) adalah salah satu ikan yang sangat digemari masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan pola faktorial yang terdiri atas dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu lama perendaman (R) yang terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu R1 = 10 menit, R2 = 20 menit dan R3 = 30 menit. Faktor kedua adalah lama penyimpanan yang terdiri dari 4 taraf yaitu P1 = 2 jam, P2 = 4 jam, P3 = 6 jam dan P4 = 8 jam. Kombinasi perlakuan adalah 3×4 = 12 dengan menggunakan 2 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 24 satuan percobaan. Analisis yang dilakukan yaitu kadar air, pH, total mikroba dan organoleptik uji deskripsi aroma, warna dan tekstur. Selain itu dilakukan analisis kadar protein yang merupakan hasil dari perlakuan terbaik terhadap fillet ikan. Hasil analisis fillet ikan tongkol menghasilkan rata-rata kadar air 60,87%, nilai pH 6,24, total mikroba 8,8 × 106 cfu/g, deskripsi aroma khas daun kari 2,59, deskripsi warna 2,71 dan deskripsi tekstur keras 2,89. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama perendaman ekstrak daun kari berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap nilai aroma khas daun kari, tekstur keras dan total mikroba (TPC) fillet ikan tongkol. Lama penyimpanan berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai pH fillet ikan tongkol. Pada perlakuan terbaik yaitu lama perendaman 30 menit dan lama penyimpanan 2 jam (R3P1) dengan kadar protein sebesar 17,86 %, kadar air 59,23%, pH 6,3, total mikroba 8,7 × 106 cfu/g, aroma khas daun kari 2,72 (lemah-netral) dan tekstur keras 2,67 (lemah-netral).
Abstract: Curry leaves (Murraya koenigii) are plants that are very popular in the community, especially in Aceh. Curry leaves are usually used as a flavoring for Acehnese special dishes because they can provide a distinctive aroma and delicious taste. Curry leaves (Murraya koenigii) contain many active substances that are beneficial for health, such as tannins, saponins, flavonoids and essential oils that can inhibit bacterial growth, so that it is expected to function to delay the speed of decay in fish. Mackerel (Euthynnus sp.) Is one of the fish that is very popular with the community. This research was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of two factors. The first factor is the soaking time (R) which consists of 3 levels, namely R1 = 10 minutes, R2 = 20 minutes and R3 = 30 minutes. The second factor is the length of storage which consists of 4 levels, namely P1 = 2 hours, P2 = 4 hours, P3 = 6 hours and P4 = 8 hours. The treatment combination is 3 × 4 = 12 by using 2 replications to obtain 24 experimental units. The analysis carried out were water content, pH, microbial total and organoleptic test description of aroma, color and texture. In addition, analysis of protein content was the result of the best treatment of fish fillets. The results of the tuna fillet analysis produced an average water content of 60.87%, pH value 6.24, total microbial 8.8 × 106 cfu / g, description of the typical aroma of curry leaves 2.59, color description 2.71 and description of texture hard 2.89. The results showed that the soaking time of curry leaf extract had a very significant effect on the value of the distinctive aroma of curry leaves, hard texture and total microbial (TPC) tuna fish fillets. The results showed that the soaking time of curry leaf extract had a very significant effect on the value of the distinctive aroma of curry leaves, hard texture and total microbial (TPC) tuna fish fillets. Storage duration significantly affected the pH value of tuna fillets. The best treatment was 30 minutes soaking time and 2 hours storage time (R3P1) with protein content of 17.86%, water content 59,23%, pH 6.3, microbial total 8.7 × 106 cfu / g, distinctive aroma Curry leaves 2.72 (weak-neutral) and hard texture 2,67 (weak-neutral).
The results showed that the soaking time of curry leaf extract had a very significant effect on the value of the distinctive aroma of curry leaves, hard texture and total microbial (TPC) tuna fish fillets. Storage duration significantly affected the pH value of tuna fillets. The best treatment was 30 minutes soaking time and 2 hours storage time (R3P1) with protein content of 17.86%, water content 59,23%, pH 6.3, microbial total 8.7 × 106 cfu / g, distinctive aroma Curry leaves 2.72 (weak-neutral) and hard texture 2,67 (weak-neutral).
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